5 Ways to Stay Safe this Halloween

Grace Ann Brown
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2021

Halloweekend is arguably one of the most fun weekends when you’re in college. If you aren’t familiar, Halloweekend involves wearing three different costumes, going to parties, and generally doing things only acceptable when you’re in your early 20s. It is easy to get overwhelmed or go overboard on Halloween, so here are some ways to stay safe while also having fun.

  1. Don’t accept drinks from strangers
    This is always good advice, but particularly pertinent on Halloween. If you’re drinking, it’s easy to get carried away and let someone else refill your drink or fill your cup with communal jungle juice. Among a large crowd, sometimes we feel safe and disregard safety rules. Being in costume has also proven to make some people feel like they have a “pass” to do worse things that they wouldn’t usually do “as themself,” so it is especially important to watch out for yourself and others.
  2. Use the buddy system
    If your group is too big to try stay together, try breaking into pairs so each person only has one other person to look out for. It is hard to stick with your friends on Halloween. Not only are more people out and about than usual, but many people will be wearing similar costumes that makes it hard to distinguish your friends from others. Stick together and stay safe!
  3. Establish a meeting point
    If you are worried about losing your friends, establish a meeting point! Whether this is the bathroom at the bar, the front door of the fraternity house, or by a particular landmark, this will make finding your friends so much easier. Lack of cell service, too much noise, or dead phones make it hard to coordinate in the moment. Find somewhere to meet ahead of time to avoid issues later in the night.
  4. Hydrate!
    You should ALWAYS hydrate before drinking heavily, but heavy drinking is especially common on Halloween. Additionally, many people end up drinking a lot several nights in a row, so it is important to look out for your body and keep yourself hydrated.
  5. Do NOT drink and drive
    NEVER drink and drive. On Halloween, this is especially important, not just for yourself and others, but because you are far more likely to harm someone else, especially a child, if you are driving drunk on Halloween. It is dark, people are wearing black clothes and are less visible, and more people are out and about. It is so easy, once you are drunk, to feel invincible. If you might feel tempted to drive, lock your car keys somewhere, or have someone else hold you accountable. Wherever you have to be is NOT as important as your (or someone else’s) life.

Halloweekend is one of the most fun weekends when you’re in college, and one perfect for making memories and spending time with friends. It’s important to remember that you can have fun while still staying safe! Pick out that fun costume, take cute pictures for Instagram, but also watch out for yourself and your friends. By following these safety tips, you and your friends can stay safe and have fun this Halloween.

