HackCville’s 2019 Year in Review

Andy Page


As 2019 comes to a close, the HackCville team sat down to review our programs, achievements, and community events that shaped another year of growth. Join us as we take a quick look at the year gone by and forward into the next.

A look back at 2019

We kicked off the year by opening 9 different Spring semester skills courses. 170 students enrolled in one of our 9 different skills courses.

In March — we host two startup trips: San Francisco and Richmond. During these trips, our students visited offices of some of the world’s most innovative tech companies in the world including Facebook, Twitch, Turo, and 20 others!

The largest Launch to date

During the summer, we ran our largest Launch session to-date with 85 students. We trained them in one of 4 tracks: data science, software engineering, digital marketing, and user experience design.

After intense training, we matched these 85 students with 51 of our company partners to launch amazing new products, features, and campaigns as interns.

Opening Fall Courses to everyone

At the beginning of the Fall semester, we were excited to announce that we removed the application from all of HackCville’s semester skills courses. Students who were interested in learning about anything from data science to marketing to mobile app development (or any other of our 12 courses), now just had to signup — rather than go through a rigorous application process.

In doing this — we were able to serve all of the students who were interested in joining HackCville, instead of sending 300 rejection emails to hungry students, wanting to learn valuable skills.

By opening our semester courses — our participation exploded!

During the Fall semester, we had 423 students enroll in one of our 12 different skill courses.

We closed out the year by running 3 startup trips for 110 students all during the same weekend. Our students had chances to go on office tours and meet cool alumni in New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

Continuing our mission into 2020

At HackCville, our mission is to develop the skills, networks, and entrepreneurial ability of talented University of Virginia students. None of what we were able to accomplish would’ve been possible without the student-led nature of this organization. At any given time, HackCville has a taskforce of 90–120 students helping us plan trips, teaching courses, running marketing campaigns, and keeping our 2 clubhouses operating.

We’re incredibly thankful to them for all of the hard work they do to create amazing opportunities for their peers.

With their support and the support of our Founding Partners (the Quantitative Foundation and the Galant Center for Entrepreneurship) — we’re excited about what 2020 has in store for us.

Here’s to carrying the momentum into 2020 and another great year ahead!



Andy Page
Editor for

Community builder | Runner | Cofounder of Radify Labs🚀 http://radifylabs.com/