Our First Day of Classes

Shirley Chu
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2020

The HackCville house was packed on the first day of our skills courses, and Victor and I wanted to see what everyone was up to.

First, we headed over to #17 to check out Source — a course where students learn how to build interactive web apps in ReactJS. For their first class, they went over the logistics of the course and downloaded the needed programs to get started on their projects.

Next, we took a pit stop for free coffee at the Grit station in the Launchpad at #9. People were hanging out and studying in the open table space in the back as well.

In the Launchpad, we stumbled across Chris Santamaria.

Chris just finished his first successful session as the Program Lead for Deploy, which teaches back-end development along with Amazon Services. He got involved with HackCville through the Launch internship program last summer, and decided to continue pursuing his passion for Programming with Deploy.

For the course’s first project, students created a fake site called Dwitter: a mock-Twitter where they could send each other “Dweets.” This activity is to introduce students to network requests, providing them a way to practice this concept.

The students-teaching-students approach that we focus on at HackCville is something that Chris loves. He also enjoys the laid back yet motivated vibe people here give off. Chris likes coming to #9 and studying around a community of innovative hard-working individuals. Aside from his hustle at HC, he enjoys cooking and collecting fun socks.

Stay tuned for more insider looks into the house.

