How to Make a Great Impression on Your First Day

Eliza Blackstone
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2021

As summer gets started, many students are beginning or about to begin new jobs and internships. No matter what kind of position you have or what industry you’re in, there’s one thing that we all have in common: we all want to make a great first impression. This can be particularly stressful for those who are starting out on their first career-related position, perhaps through a Launch internship! Follow these quick and easy tips to help you nail it on your first day on the job.

Ditch boring small talk
Instead of discussing the weather or how much “Mondays suck,” try to ask about topics like hobbies, family, and friends that are a little more meaningful to most people but still easy to talk about. In doing so, you’ll build deeper connections with your coworkers, and later they’ll remember the new employee who they had a great conversation with.

Dress the part
This one may seem obvious, but make sure you’re in the proper dress code for your position and for the organization you’re working for. If you’re not sure what to wear, ask before your start date! You can also find a lot of resources online that will guide you through appropriate professional attire. You want to make sure that you’re not only following the dress code, but also wearing something comfortable that makes you feel confident. If you feel great in what you’re wearing, you’ll have one less thing to worry about on your first day!

Give yourself a pep talk
Confidence is key when it comes to convincing new coworkers or employers that you’re capable and a valuable asset to the team. Before you walk through the door (or join the Zoom meeting!), give yourself a pep talk to boost your confidence as you start your day. Remind yourself of your own skills and talents that qualify you for the job, and most importantly remind yourself that no matter what happens, there’s always another day, and everything will work out for the best, so don’t stress! Just take a deep breath and try to stay calm, cool, and collected because that confidence alone will take you farther than you think.

Kill ’em with kindness
You may be feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, but try your best not to let that make your temper short or your attitude sour. Offer kindness whenever possible because later on people remember a warm smile and a helpful personality, and they’ll then want to treat you the same way. The workplace becomes much more enjoyable when the people around you are willing to help you out, and one of the best ways to make that happen is to be the first one to offer kindness! People will almost always return the favor at some point, and you never know when you’ll need a little extra help.

Be an active listener
When someone is speaking to you, use your facial expressions and body language to show them that you’re engaged. Not only does this show respect to anyone who you’re meeting on the job, but the physical act of showing that you’re listening will also have the added benefit of making you more likely to actually take in the information and remember it later.

I hope these tips help you on your first day, and remember that no matter what, it’s most important to simply be yourself and try your best. If you can do those things and try to follow some of these tips, I feel confident that you’ll do great on your first day!

