Julia Huston
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2020


Julia Huston, Convert grad turned Marketing Coordinator

Project Spotlight: Julia Huston, Convert

This past fall semester at HackCville, I decided to try out Convert to pick up some digital marketing skills. One of our projects was to create an email marketing campaign using Mailchimp, with a made up company that would send out a series of different email every week, all relating to the same theme. My group and I decided to call our business “Hidden Gems” and our email subscription service would provide “10 of the Best Hidden Study Spots around Grounds.” We chose this topic because we knew that it would be fun and actually beneficial to our subscribers. Each email contained a picture of the spot, its location, and then a short little blurb about its secrecy.

Our company logo

The most challenging part of this project was figuring out how to create templates through Mailchimp. Although it seemed a bit daunting at first, we got the hang of it in a jiffy. After some fiddling around, we were creating super cool emails that could easily pass for something straight out of our Inbox. Let’s just say I’ve gained a newfound appreciation for my spam… even though it may not be useful information, I sure do enjoy checking out the various layouts of marketing emails.

This project, and the entirety of my digital marketing class, have really sparked my interest in marketing and led me to apply to be a part of the HackCville marketing team. I loved the community, creativity, and excitement that this place provides and I wanted to be more involved in any way that I could. I’m super thankful that I took this class. It’s taught me far more marketing information than any class in my academic career ever has.

A snippet of one of our emails

Convert is a 10-week introduction to digital marketing that equips students with core marketing principles, skills, and tools. You’ll learn about paid and organic social media, search engine marketing, email marketing tools, basic website optimization, best practices for presentations, and the basics of design. As the digital world grows and becomes increasingly relevant for day-to-day business operations, companies need more employees than ever to be versed in digital marketing. Convert is a great jumping off point for students looking to explore digital marketing as an interest or as a career path. Learn more and register here.

