Returning to Life in 3D: 5 Tips to Transition Back to In-Person Class & Work

Grace Ann Brown
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2021

Spending the last year and a half in quarantine has closed our comfort zones significantly. Even the most extroverted of extroverts have trepidation about returning to in-person classes and work. Here are 5 things you can do to to make the transition less stressful.

  1. Give yourself time alone
    Just because we are newly out of quarantine does not mean you have to try everything at once! It can be exhausting going to a full day of classes or work and then feel you need to go to dinner or a bar with your friends. Let yourself veg out at home if that’s what you’re in the mood for, without feeling guilty you aren’t taking full advantage of your newfound freedom. If you don’t give yourself time to ease back into in-person life, you’ll burn out quickly.
  2. Become an expert scheduler
    When classes and meetings were on Zoom, it was easy to feel flexibility in your day. Even with only a half hour between meetings, students and workers could do a lot, from making lunch to watching a quick TV show. Now, between planning time to get to your class or place of work, actually attending the course or meeting, and getting back home, it seems the time in your day is cut in half. It is important to plan your time effectively so that you don’t feel too overwhelmed when you can’t fit everything in.
  3. Pack snacks
    One of the biggest challenges for college students returning to class in-person is managing to eat at the right time. You can no longer pop into the kitchen while your professor lectures to grab a handful of Cheez-its. In the morning, be sure to pack some brain fuel so you can make it through the day without getting too hangry!
  4. Re-coach yourself to focus
    Used to texting during meetings and class? Miss the freedom you had when your camera was off and you could multitask? You’re not alone. Being in-person, however, requires us to get back into the swing of focusing all of our attention on the task at hand. While it might feel less productive, it has actually been shown that multitasking decreases our performance on each additional task we do. So, while it might be hard to not answer that Snapchat during class, or fend off the temptation to scroll through TikTok, it will be worth it in the long run!
  5. Charge your devices!
    Ahhh, the days of charging our laptops while staring at a grid of faces on the screen is over. Don’t get caught in the rut of showing up to an important meeting with an uncharged laptop, or running out of phone battery when you need directions to get somewhere on time. Make sure that when you leave in the morning your devices are charged and you are carrying an extra charger just in case!

Remember, everyone is going through this same transition, so you are not alone! It’s normal to feel hesitation about returning to normal life after quarantine and isolation. Allow yourself the space and time you need to get back into your old habits, and be understanding with your friends, colleagues, and peers as they also make the switch from online to life in 3D.

