Skills Course Activity: Album Cover Project from Vector

Eliza Blackstone
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2021

Welcome to our Skills Course activity spotlight! Here we will provide a window into day-to-day operations of Forge’s Skills Courses by highlighting an activity or project that Forge students have worked on in one of our courses. This week, we’re spotlighting the work of a few students on their Album Cover Projects, an assignment where they were asked to recreate their favorite album cover in our Graphic Design Skills Course, Vector.

“I include the Album Cover Project as the first project of the semester because it gets people to explore the design software we’re learning, while also getting people talking about their favorite music and artists. It’s open creatively to whatever students want to bring to it!” -Rachel Crawford, Vector PL

Jessica Wen (project shown above):

On her experience with Forge:
“I am a second year student majoring in Commerce and Computer Science. I have always had an interest in digital design, but I lacked proper training in the Adobe Suite, so I decided to take Vector this semester! This is the first class I’ve taken at Forge, and I have had a truly amazing experience in it so far.”

On her experience with Vector:
“My favorite part of taking Vector is so hard to choose! I have really enjoyed the diversity of the digital design lessons our teaching staff has given us. We’ve learned so many programs, including Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and Figma. Also, we have been able to work on some really cool and creative projects, such as this one, all of which have allowed me to practice with new techniques and hone my skills! The class is also really great, as everyone is supportive of each other’s work.”

Ally Motter (project shown above):

On her experience with Forge:
“I am a third year in the College studying Statistics and Biology and minoring in French. This is my second semester being involved with Forge — I took Node last semester and am currently taking Vector. I have enjoyed being part of the Forge community because I love being surrounded by curious and innovative people, and I am constantly inspired by the work that everyone is doing. I am excited to be involved next semester when things will hopefully be more normal, as I actually haven’t had the chance to meet anyone in person due to the pandemic! I have still had a great experience despite it being completely virtual.”

On her experience with Vector:
“My favorite part of Vector has been learning how design is inherent in everything we interact with. There is thought and intention that goes into every webpage, street sign, and even ballot that you lay your eyes on. Vector has really opened my eyes to the world of design and has allowed me to have a greater appreciation for the world around me”

Vinay Bhaip (project shown above)

