A NYC trip success story feat. Chris

Claire Pettit
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2020

Chris is our Program Lead for Deploy, our back-end development course, and a 2nd year Computer Science major. He went on our NYCđź—˝Startup Trip his very first semester at UVA. The following summer, Chris continued his HC journey with Launch and held a software engineering internship. After that, he went on our NYC trip again but as a track lead this time! I heard he had an amazing time on his trip and even got an internship out of it, so I wanted to find out more:

The Startup Trip really opened his eyes to the wide range of companies in the city. Some of the ones he visited had work spaces that were very Silicon Valley-esque — there were even sleeping pods in the office — while others were located in smaller apartment-like offices.

A sleeping pod (with Empire State Building in the back?!)

For him personally, the most valuable thing he got from the NYC trip was the opportunity to network. He talked to a bunch of Wahoos at the alumni mixer and was actually invited out to lunch the next day with a software engineer who works at Attune in New York. This alum told him about a bunch of smaller companies in the field that Chris might not have discovered otherwise. Chris was also asked to help Attune test out some new interview questions and soon found himself far along in their interview process for a summer internship (and he was just extended an offer — congrats Chris! 🎉).

The High Line in the evening

For a lot of people on the trip, it was their first time in New York, so they did a lot of sight-seeing in their free time. Chris was also able to spend some time with his sister and her friends who go to school in the city. One of his favorite parts of exploring NYC was walking along the High Line and watching a local baker make a Japanese Cheesecake in the front window of the shop. And we’d say that’s the best part about our trips: being able to navigate ins and outs of networking while getting to explore the odds and ends of the Big 🍎!

