Santa Clara University APO Successfully Transitions to Virtual Rush

Sydney Nguyen
Published in
Oct 10, 2020

With student engagement at an all time low in school and various student run organizations, individuals are scrambling to find ways to make virtual interaction seem as personable and familiar as possible. This past week, Santa Clara University’s Chapter of APO hosted two meet & greet events for students interested in joining. APO is a professional co-ed service fraternity that has chapters at various schools across the country.

They were able to host two meet & greet events on Glimpse, a platform where people in a virtual room engage in one-on-one, time-boxed video calls with fun features including icebreaker questions, mini-games, and a photo-booth. Josh Huizar and Kristina Yin, heads of this recruitment, said “Everything went incredibly well and we have received great feedback from attendees.” One attendee messaged them and said, “YALL THIS WAS SUCH A GREAT IDEA. Thank you sooooo much for putting on this event! I had a great time talking with you guys.”

SCU’s APO is planning on using Glimpse for upcoming “speed dating” events within the organization to foster greater community amongst their members. We are looking forward to all the exciting and creative Glimpse events APO comes up with!

If you are looking to organize virtual recruiting events, here are our best tips and tricks for using Glimpse :

  • Decide on a match time length, extension length, and amount of extensions that makes sense for your event
  • Personalize your event by adding your organization’s logo to the home page
  • Customize the match types so members can choose who they want to meet (i.e.: “rushees vs. brothers”)

