Duke Catalyst Uses Glimpse to Integrate New Members

Sydney Nguyen
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2020

With today’s virtual world, it has been extremely difficult for members of student organizations to stay up to date with each other and provide the same member bonding experiences that usually happen on campus. Getting people to come together online is a tough task in itself, but there are resources to make this task seem less daunting. One of Duke University’s social and pre-professional tech organizations, Catalyst, has been utilizing Glimpse to facilitate virtual member interactions and build the strength of the Catalyst community. Glimpse is a platform that allows people in a virtual room to engage in one-on-one, time-boxed video calls.

One of the most memorable experiences Catalyst members have during their time within the organization is being matched with their bigs or littles. Especially during quarantine, Glimpse was a big help in making sure these big/little pairings were as successfully matched as pre-COVID.

With Glimpse, potential bigs and littles were able to interact with each other to get a sense of who they would want to have as their partner in crime. Catalyst’s social chair, Adam Yee, mentioned “I loved how customizable everything was where I could set a room name or change the picture or time.” He also described how convenient Glimpse is as a platform due to easy access to features like quickly changing match lengths and adding match extensions if needed.

Adam also noticed more engagement with Glimpse hosted events because during other virtual events the same individuals would always end up talking and didn’t have the ability to engage everyone. Glimpse provided the opportunity for Catalyst members to get to know each other better, to meet a lot of different people within the organization, and overall to gain greater engagement in online events.

Catalyst is excited to do more events with Glimpse in the future and has already started planning some fun and sweet Glimpse calls. Right now, they are looking forward to having a boba social over Glimpse and having members hop on the call with their favorite go-to boba drink :)

If you are looking to organize virtual mentorship pairing events, here are our best tips and tricks for using Glimpse:

  1. Check out our Hosting Guide for general advice on how to get started!
  2. Decide on a match time length, extension length, and amount of extensions that make sense for your event
  3. Customize the match types so members can choose who they want to meet (i.e. “bigs vs. littles”)

