University of Alabama’s AKPSI Hosts Virtual Recruitment

Sydney Nguyen
Published in
Nov 15, 2020

Finding ways to host exciting and engaging virtual events has been a challenging task this school year. However, University of Alabama’s business fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi(AKPSI) was able to find a way to genuinely connect rushees and fraternity members. Vice President of Membership, Laurel Wirkus, and rush chair, Lindsay Karam, were the leaders in running AKPSI’s recruitment week.

Wirkus and Karam found that events such as speed networking were complicated to facilitate using breakout rooms for the one-on-one conversations that occur. Instead of manually rotating people through breakout rooms, they decided to use Glimpse, a platform that automatically matches people for one-on-one, round-robin video chats, to run their recruitment events. “We wouldn’t have been able to effectively host our Speed Networking event if it wasn’t for Glimpse!”Karam said.

Using Glimpse for AKPSI’s week of virtual events was a close representation of in person speed networking. “I highly recommend Glimpse to anyone looking for a networking platform,” Wirkus said.

University of Alabama’s AKPSI plans to host more Glimpse events in the future and we are excited to see what creative virtual events they come up with.

