Coronavirus: Transition into a Regenerative Renaissance

Nila Phi
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2020

Experts have said that this was not the first and will not be the last or most impactful pandemic we will face, especially if we do not change the way we behave as a species.

But, we can embrace this change and transition into more beautiful, cooperative and self-sustaining communities around the world. Below, we’re sharing some steps to build a more resilient and harmonious future for all of us, pandemic or not.

How to prepare for this transition

The only way to truly thrive in a pandemic is to build thriving and more resilient communities.

Illustration Credit Brenna Quinlan, Permaculture Illustrator

Simple steps

  1. Start planting and growing your own food (there’s nothing more healthy)!
  2. Set up systems to capture and clean rainwater (or find other consistent and clean water sources).
  3. Meet your neighbours and do this together! Your security is weak if your neighbours aren’t secure.
  4. Support and start initiatives for financial and political sovereignty. If we continue to use systems that are financing the destruction of our planet, we are voting for these systems to continue this exploitation.
  5. Chose to only support organisations that have dedicated themselves to regenerating and healing our planet. If you can’t find any near you, then you may have found your calling.
  6. Find a better place to store your value outside traditional fiat currency — national currencies are in a precarious place as the Federal Reserve and central banks keep pumping out money. Hold your value in materials that can help you meet your needs directly (solar energy, food, water, etc) and sovereign currencies (like cryptocurrencies). Not only is this a hedge against collapse, it’s also a vote for the future you’d like to see.

If we all commit to these simple steps we can mobilize a global movement towards whole systems change.

Note: For more on financial and political sovereignty see:

For a current list of regenerative movements and organisations to join/support:

Please reach out if there are organisations, movements or businesses that would be an ideal ally in this Regenerative Renaissance.

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Nila Phi
Editor for

Master storyteller, poet, environmentalist and experimenter of life.