Good Deeds Get Seeds

Rieki Cordon
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2020

Do Good | Spread Hope | Get Rewarded

Proposing a campaign for rewarding Members in SEEDS to do, spread and encourage good deeds!

Our media is filled with stories of fear and systemic collapse. We have an opportunity to counter this with stories of hope and systemic transformation.

This is a perfect moment for humanity to usher in Regenerative Renaissance — how quickly we collectively act determines how much suffering we can avoid and how joyful this transition can be.

Economic recessions/depressions are most devastating when there isn’t enough money to go around. We can avoid this entirely if we get new money to people and communities to exchange with.

This first campaign is about getting money into the hands of people doing good!

How to participate:

  1. Make a post on your social media(s) sharing a good deed that you’ve done to help in this chaotic time.
  2. Add #JoinSEEDS and #GoodDeedsGetSeeds
  3. Add the URL in the comments section of your post.
  4. At the end of your story add some variation of: “SEEDS is a new financial system helping bring about the Regenerative Renaissance and transforming this breakdown into a breakthrough to offer a more exciting, healthier and hopeful story for humanity. One where those who are doing the most good in the world make the most money — not the other way around.”
  5. Lastly, in the SEEDS app. Make a post in the Forum under the “Good Deeds” category and share your story along with the link to your social media post.

Note: Sharing and verifying on social media helps us get the word out about SEEDS and reduces spam — we’ll be checking social media accounts for “Proof of Human” to prevent duplicate and fraudulent submissions.

That’s it!

The time is now

There couldn’t be a more important or opportune time to be sprouting this movement. The world is facing a financial collapse — our economies are slowing down — and we can use this time to transition to a more healthy and regenerative civilization. That is what SEEDS is all about!

Excited to co-create with you

We’re so grateful for all the people, projects and movements that have heard the call to co-create a regenerative financial system with us, and who have aligned together around this vision.

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and for co-creating a regenerative financial civilization together.

For questions and to connect

In the Forum in the SEEDS app you can ask questions and connect with other Regenerators.

To Regeneration and Beyond!

For more information, check out the Youtube channel and website.



Rieki Cordon
Editor for

Decentralizing Abundance! Map Maker at Hypha for SEEDS