How is money going to solve our climate crisis? Isn’t money the problem?

Rieki Cordon
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2019

Money - the symbol representing energy that acts as a medium for exchanges - isn’t inherently destructive. Our ecosystems use such mediums, be they water, nitrogen, carbon, etc. This is simply a way of moving energy throughout a system.

It’s not that these energy flows that are the problem. Nor is it the medium that is being used. The problem begins in how they are designed.

If the law of the forest was the more water you take for yourself the more you get, then as a plant you’ll drown.

Healthy ecosystems thrive with lively exchange. It’s the myriad of interconnected networks in a forest that facilitates these exchanges, such as the mycelium network (the internet of the forest). These interconnections help all life thrive with rapid and continuous flows of energy.

Our current money systems have little in common with the energy systems of our ecosystems. SEEDS aims to change that. One Seed at a time.

SEEDS = The Whole System
Seed = The Name of the Currency

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Evolving our Financial System


National currencies are made with debt and interest attached to them. This means there’s always more debt in existence than there is money to pay it back. This means interest payments will never be fulfilled and the act of paying off the debt would remove all money from circulation. For this reason our financial systems are stuck in a perpetual growth mode. As nations and all their inhabitants need to constantly generate more money to keep up with the ever increasing interest payments.

Seeds are made without debt or interest. They’re simply made when we need to have more of them. When the demand for Seeds goes up, we create more so that the value for each Seed is more stable. This removes the fundamentally unsustainable driver behind our present systems — and also limits the depreciation of money rife throughout our financial system. In SEEDS people can ask for interest free loans; this finances a truly sustainable transition.


In our present financial systems, you only make money for selling a product or service. Take Apple for example — they make money when people buy more Apple products. This gives them incentives to make products that break (planned obsolescence) so that they can sell more products. This creates a systemic incentive for ecological destruction and waste.

In SEEDS, organisations are rewarded for how many (and how greatly) they are providing value to Citizens.

Instead of “How many products have you sold?” we can change it to “How many people are using your products?” and reward organisations who are serving more people.

Now the financial incentive becomes ‘make products that last, that people will use indefinitely, so they can generate more revenue’.


In our present financial systems there is little incentive to heal our planet and prevent ecosystem collapse. Degenerative behaviours are rewarded with higher profits.

In SEEDS, organisations are financially rewarded for “regenerative behaviours.” Now organisations who are simply healing our planet can earn revenue. Furthermore, organisations that are degenerative lose rewards they otherwise would have earned. SEEDS aligns financial incentives with ecological health.

HOARDING (Greed) -> DISTRIBUTING (Equitably)

In our present systems, hoarding money earns more money, indefinitely. Moreover, this is skewed towards the high end — as interest rates on hoarded money increase the more you have. There are more incentives to store and sit on money than there is to keep it circulating to keep the flow of energy alive. This causes routine depressions and recessions that harm millions.

Rewards in SEEDS are more equitably distributed. There are still rewards for having money, but it becomes a fraction of the total incentives. Additionally, rewards are distributed on a linear graph so that no-one can earn a disproportionate amount of money (energy). In Seeds people and organisations are rewarded for how much money (energy) they move, not just how much money they have (hoard).


We’ve known for decades that our current financial and economic systems are degenerating our planet. Yet, even with this knowledge little has changed. It’s profoundly difficult to alter, let alone fundamentally evolve, our current financial systems.

In SEEDS, an evolution to our financial system simply requires a change in the code. Changes in code occur after a thorough debate, a direct democratic vote, and a successful trial on the test-net. It’s no longer a century-long process to make changes. We can directly evolve our system to best meet our changing needs.

The Best Part

These are just a few of the reasons why SEEDS is fundamentally different from our current systems.

The best part is, you likely didn’t know any of this at first. You may have thought that Seeds were simply another form of money. This is intentional. For Seeds to truly serve humanity it needs mass adoption.

Mass adoption requires it to be familiar enough to what we already have, easy enough to use, and 10X better than what we currently use!


SEEDS employs the same positive feedback loops of our present systems — the systems that are exponentially turning our natural world into money — and turns it back on them to exponentially transition away from them.

SEEDS is a bridge; it’s not the destination. We at Hypha can’t design an ideal financial system. That’s a task reserved for all of humanity. SEEDS simply provides the tools for humanity to do so.

Discover more and join the creation at:

The Conscious Currency for a Regenerative Society



Rieki Cordon
Editor for

Decentralizing Abundance! Map Maker at Hypha for SEEDS