If we want a Universal Basic Income (UBI )— We’ll have to make it ourselves!

Rieki Cordon
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2020

Asking for a UBI today is a lot like asking monarchs to give up their“divine right of kings”…

The status quo

In a single day the Federal Reserve created an additional $1.5 trillion USD and dumped in into financial markets — this move ensures that those who’ve benefited the most in the last 12 years since the last economic crash will continue to benefit the most — while the majority (once again) feels the pain and foots the bill.

Avoiding the UBI trap

If Nation States capitulated and gave citizens a Universal Basic Income this may actually make our true problems more severe.

This would increase our dependencies on our current geopolitical and economic milieu. If companies don’t change their manufacturing practices this move would only increase income for companies making poisonous products and increase global pollution.

Nation States are still spending trillions on warfare and subsidizing a whole plethora of poisonous industries that are indirectly and directly destroying life on this planet.

If we don’t address the systemic corruption, degeneration, and exploitation of people and our planet baked into to our economic system, then a UBI is of little real benefit.

Becoming more dependent on this system reduces our ability to create a system that regenerates and heals our planet.

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If we want a UBI we’ll need to make one ourselves

Case study: If the U.S. equally divided the income generated across all workers — each person would make an average *$130,000.00 a year.

*2018 Gross domestic income / employment at the time

If we want a more equitable financial system, its clear that asking for it has made little progress in the last centuries as income and general inequality reaches record heights.

Asking for those making more income than 130K to give up part of their income will likely never and has never worked. What we’ll need to do is create a new financial system that bakes more financial equality right in.

No we’re not talking about socialism, communism, or “benevolent capitalism”. We’re talking about creating a new financial system that has never been seen or talked about before — because its never been possible before. Until now.

A financial renaissance

99% of people would benefit from joining a new financial system.

What if we didn’t demand a basic income denominated in national currencies and instead created our own financial systems and committed to using our own currencies?

What’s prevented us from creating a new financial system was this typically required setting up a new nation state or country. Given the extraordinarily unusual and difficult task of setting up a new country in the 21st century - we haven’t seen many evolutions or experiments inthe prevailing economic and monetary foundations.

Co-creating a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for a Regenerative Civilization

This isn’t about “us” vs “them”. 100% of people would benefit from co-creating a regenerative financial system. We all win when our planet is more inhabitable.

What if we didn’t just stop at creating a new currency — like many cryptocurrencies have done?

What if we programmed this currency to finance, reward and cultivate a regenerative civilization?

What if this currency was “better-than-free” to spend — making more rewarding to use than cash?

What if this currency was designed to evolve to be more stable than national and traditional crypto currencies making it more dependable and reliable?

That’s exactly what SEEDS is!

SEEDS is Sowing Equitable, Ecological and Decentralized Societies. Its a financial system directly governed by the citizens and you can join this renaissance and get financially compensated for participating!

If we want a UBI — we’ll just have to make it ourselves!

To Regeneration and Beyond



Rieki Cordon
Editor for

Decentralizing Abundance! Map Maker at Hypha for SEEDS