SEEDS launching on EOS.IO and Telos

Rieki Cordon
Published in
6 min readJul 10, 2019

Empowering Humanity and Regenerating Our World with Blockchain.

“World’s 26 richest people own as much as the poorest 50%… the gap is accelerating”
- 2019 Oxfam

“1 Million species at risk of extinction.”
- 2019 U.N. Reportt

“World spent $5.2 Trillion subsidizing fossil fuel use.”
- 2017 U.N. Report

Humanity is facing a choice. Carry on with our current social systems and destroy the remaining diversity of life on our planet or, create a paradise on earth by regenerating our planet.

We don’t have to alter our societies out of necessity, but from the opportunity. Solving our ecological, social and financial crises are not challenges that are asking humanity to give anything up. These are invitations to a society that will offer so much more to the people and planet.

At the roots of our current systems are our financial systems. If we are to change the trajectory of humanity, we will need new systems. So, let’s address those first.

Introducing SEEDS

A Conscious Currency with Direct Democracy for a Regenerative Society

SEEDS’ focus is building out the decentralized monetary policies and governance systems that can create an empowering and obvious alternative to government-backed currencies and soon Libra.

Seeds Currency: A subtle shift from $ “top down bars” to = “growing equality”.

SEEDS = Platform | Seeds = Currency


First, you gain a better-than-free, intrinsically-stable currency fueling a cooperative economy. Telos offers free transactions, but some credit cards give money back. We need to be better in every way to achieve the goal of evolving beyond national currencies and transforming our money. SEEDS is designed from the ground up to be easier to use and offer better rewards to Citizens for participating.

Second, when your business accepts Seeds, you join a cooperative economy. In SEEDS, organizations have incentives to help each other succeed. Developers of applications can earn revenue without charging fees, unleashing the paradigm of “better-than-free apps”! This will empower the multitude of peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms underpinning the sharing economy revolution, especially P2P local food sharing platforms. Alternatives to all online markets can be made cheaper by simply accepting Seeds.

This shifts our business paradigm today from

“how do I best take value from my customers”


“how do I best create value for my society”

as the most financially rewarding approach.

This opens the door to radically alter the incentive structures of our society.

Third, you get a direct voice. Your local physical community gets money to spend however you and your community decides. Proposals can range from interest free loans to buy your tiny-house, co-owning a commercial kitchen, or receiving grants to regenerate native ecosystems.

Fourth, you support the regeneration of our planet. 12.5% of all new Seeds are directed toward Local and Global grants to regenerate our planet. SEEDS creates a competitive financial stream to fund the most ecologically healing projects.

SEEDS + Telos

Seeds can serve as an algorithmic stable coin on Telos and the EOSIO ecosystem. Telos is the global leader for decentralized governance with an engaged, supportive community. From its inception, Telos was designed to resist cartels, prevent hoarding, and hold block producers accountable to excellent execution. Telos features a delegated-proof of stake consensus model, worker proposal system, arbitration options, and an article-by-article constitution ratify and amend structure. These are capabilities that SEEDS is embracing and will continue to innovate with.

Telos operates using EOSIO blockchain technology, the fastest and most powerful blockchain technology ever built. The benefit of lightning fast and free transactions are critical in driving user adoption and making SEEDS the preferred choice for everyday spending. The broader EOSIO community is known for bringing its talent and passion to life with new tools and features launching nearly every week. SEEDS benefits from the array of mobile apps, open source smart contracts, user-onboarding technologies, and an excellent community support network.

SEEDS and Telos are a perfect fit. SEEDS is building a medium of exchange for daily use, with rewards (inflation) governed for the community, by the community, to enable the Regenerative Society we desire. SEEDS will be launching a network of integrated apps with high user counts and high activity. Scalability is a must and we are confident Telos can meet that need.


We believe people would be much more willing to adopt an “alternative currency” if they could be incentivised to use it and know they could buy their next meal with it.

For this reason we’re focused on forming partnerships in the Local Food Movement. With Seeds it is better to use a platform that connects you and your neighbour to share a meal (and pay in Seeds), than it would be to exchange cash.

We can build a healthier society with economic and food systems that are considerably more equitable and healthy than what we have today.

Wallet View

We also believe people want to use something that’s beautiful. This is why we’ve dedicated so much of our time and resources to the UI.

SEEDS DAC (Decentralized Autonomous Communities) See for more.

How do you get Seeds?

“In some ancient traditions, when planting seeds they would plant 4 in each hole. 1 for animals in the sky. 1 for the animals of the land. 1 for their neighbours and 1 for themselves.”

The core community behind SEEDS will get a maximum of 25% of the initial Seeds. The rest will be given out to the world!

There are 2 ways to earn Seeds. First, connect with the community, help co-create the ecosystem and earn Seeds for contributing.

Or, wait until November 5th where we’re going to start campaigns to give free Seeds for a wide variety of “regenerative behaviours”, from planting trees and giving gifts to being a part of the local food movement. Our community is made up of those who are actively making the world a healthier, happier place. To those people, we give free Seeds!

Who we are?

“… I looked around at the world and how we’re treating our planet, then back to my wife’s pregnant stomach and thought ‘We can do so much better than this…’” -SEEDS Contributor

We are a group of passionate humans wanting to build a better world for ourselves and our children.

Hypha Limited — A New Zealand company growing Dapps (Decentralized Apps) for a more beautiful world.

“The ultimate measure of the economy’s performance is the health and vitality of Earth’s living systems and the living beings (including humans) they comprise. The healthier and more productive Living Earth’s generative systems, the greater her ability to meet our human needs and those of all of Earth’s community’s countless other living beings in perpetuity.”
-David C. Korten, Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth



Rieki Cordon
Editor for

Decentralizing Abundance! Map Maker at Hypha for SEEDS