Why you want to accept/buy Seeds

Nila Phi
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2020

A quick guide to this new currency and why you may want to be involved.

You’re likely reading this article because someone has asked you if you accept Seeds. For ease of understanding, SEEDS (all caps) is a regenerative movement/economy and Seeds are the currency we use.

Not those seeds but “Seeds” — the new digital currency that rewards, finances and supports the regeneration of our planet. But, those seeds are extremely important too! We want to fund decentralized seed banks with a new Seed (big S) bank!

We’re going to break down why all these organisations are so excited about Seeds and why you could be too.

One reason people accept Seeds is simple.

Compared to other forms of money, Seeds gives you more voice and more value, while being better for our planet and local communities.

Seeds steadily growing in price against the USD — As of 7/2/2021

More Value = Better for your Budget

Since inception Seeds have been steadily gaining in value against national currencies (see above). You can transfer Seeds anywhere in the world near-instantaneously with zero fees.

Seeds are the first “better than free” currency that rewards (regenerative) people and organisations for spending rather than charging fees to transfer.

  1. Seeds are a fixed supply currency until they hit a price range of $0.80 — $1.30 and will remain a fixed supply currency until at least this time.
    While central banks are creating trillions of new money without new demand (reducing the value of the money!) — Seeds won’t! After this point, new Seeds are only created to meet new demand, creating a more-stable currency.
  2. Hedge against the hyper-inflation of national currencies.
    National currencies (including USD!) are losing up to 12-24% in value each year!
  3. With SEEDS the people become the de-central-ized bank and instead of creating trillions to subsidize oil and gas (4.7 TRILLION!!!) and other harmful industries (like war ~2 TRILLION!) the people (that’s you) can decide what we as a society direct our shared wealth towards (like solving our climate crises, hunger and inequality for starters).

More Voice = Better for You

When central banks decided to create 12+ trillion USD in the last decade (this was before 2020!! and with over 22%!!! of all USD in circulation created in 2020 alone!), did you get a say whether or not this money should have been made?

Did you get a say in how it should be spent?

Did you even get any of it (maybe a little)?

You and I don’t have a voice in how our current financial systems operate!

Our economic systems are pre-internet technology, designed by a extreme minority to serve their own interests (and so far it’s been working well, as wealth has continued to concentrate to a minority since the inception of our modern economies).

It’s time for a financial system that is truly by the people, for the people and our planet!

Screenshot of one the “governance” apps of SEEDS

In SEEDS not only is everything fully transparent, but if you choose to become a Citizen (having reached a certain level of participation), you will have a direct, noticeable and immutable voice in governance.

  1. By joining SEEDS you’re voting with your money for a new economic system.
    The more value that leaves the fiat world into the Seeds world, the more that people are saying YES to a Regenerative Economic system and a path to the reformation of civilization!
  2. SEEDS is decentralized, transparent, regenerative and governed by the people! The Citizens dictate evolutions to the economy and where new money is spent!

More Regenerative = Better for the Planet

SEEDS isn’t just better for the people and your pocket. It’s a financial system that rewards, incentivizes and finances the regeneration of our planet.
Deep dive on this here.

In fact, this is the reason SEEDS was created in the first place. To address the systemic cause of many of our great crises, our financial and economic systems.

Imagine if a portion of that 12+ trillion USD that central banks made went to set up local food systems that sequestered carbon and ended world hunger.

The UN estimates ending world hunger to cost 30 billion USD/yr. We could have done that 400 times over!

Now imagine if another portion went to the planet — planting the 1.2 trillion trees required to prevent our climate crises. One organization estimates it would cost 80 billion USD to do so. Which means that we could have financed climate change reversal 150 times over.

We could have ended world hunger and been well on our way to solving our climate crisis with just a portion of the wealth that central banks made in the last decade.

But that money didn’t go to solving these existential crises.

Citizens voted to subsidize planting trees and donating to the tree planting organization Forest Without Frontiers! Donate $20 today and get $20 in Seeds!

What SEEDS does is incentivize regeneration by funding proposals, creating incentives and subsidizing all things global regeneration.

Want one more example: How SEEDS compares to Bitcoin?

We get this question a lot, so we decided to add it right into this intro.

Imagine if Bitcoin was designed like SEEDS and part of the ~$20 BILLION a year in new Bitcoins went towards rewarding local food and planting trees?

What could we have done with that?

Instead ~$4+ BILLION each year is spent on electricity, using as much energy as Switzerland and the other $16+ Billion went to those mining companies, and hardware companies and companies mining rare metals to build mining rigs (further degenerating our earth)…

The rewards of Bitcoin incentivize one thing. Mining — which is essentially wasting energy. (SEEDS doesn’t have mining and only uses the energy required to physically run the network).

Bitcoin was a potent experiment and a valuable precursor/bridge. But, it didn’t solve (and arguably exacerbates) 3 of humanity’s great crises:

  1. Wealth inequality
  2. Degeneration and waste
  3. Lack of voice in evolving the systems we inhabit

This is why we needed to build SEEDS.

The more that SEEDS grows (through people buying and using Seeds), the more money we direct towards the regeneration of our planet and the creation of a new economic system.

The other value goes directly to the people, organisations and communities that make up SEEDS (that’s you!)

Best part is, this is all directed by you — the Citizens of SEEDS.

So, what are you waiting for?

Join the Regenerative Renaissance and be part of growing a globally regenerative financial system!

Diving deeper, Rieki (a SEEDS Map Maker) shares about the function of money: The Evolution of Money — Gold, Dollars, Bitcoin & Seeds

Notes and FAQ:

  1. How does this differ from my credit card that gives me rewards?
    Simply put, that credit card is charging merchants 2–4%+ transaction fees, for which the merchant increases their prices (so you’re paying this fee).
    When the credit card company gives you a portion of that back, it’s not “better than free” they’re just giving you back a bit of the money they already took from you. SEEDS is more like the central bank (yes, the banks that made trillions of USD recently) giving you some of the new money for being a loyal member of their currency.

Want more?

SEEDS Website
Pledge for Regeneration
Buy Seeds

Current SEEDS Alliances
Various Articles on Systemic Regeneration
An Economic Renaissance

Quick Resources
2-pager for Organisations
3-pager SEEDS Overview

Deep Dives
SEEDS Tokenomics and Economics



Nila Phi
Editor for

Master storyteller, poet, environmentalist and experimenter of life.