JCF May 2023 Update [常仁基金 2023–05 更新]

Shun-Yun Hu
Joint Commonwealth Fund
2 min readMay 25, 2023


Current JCF Status
Net Asset Value (NAV): US $62.69747
Assets Under Management (AUM): $49,292.99

Monthly Active Users (MAU): 89
Dividend Pool: $642.12
Donation Dividend: $7,872.70

Hello all,

After the bullish run of Bitcoin in March, we’ve seen the growth slowing down in April and May. As always, our stance at JCF is not to predict the future, but to adapt our growth along the major long-term growth trends. JCF’s NAV thus has remained more or less the same, though we do have a few exciting updates:

WEALTH in Alpha mode, ready for Collision
Our next-generation WEALTH platform intends to make creating JCF-like tokens easier and is an ICO/fund generator. Any asset owner can create his/her own tokens, with the same “social dividend” mechanism JCF provides. We’re happy to share that the platform has been tested on the test net and will be live in the mainnet by end of May!

Collision’23 is upcoming in Toronto in June 26–29, and JCF will again attend as a “Beta Startup”. Our goal at Collision is to share and showcase JCF as a vehicle that is safe, accessible, and impactful that can benefit from a conservative, low-risk investment strategy in the crypto trends, while providing donations to social purposes.

3HAG 1st draft done
3HAG Way is a system developed by Shannon Byrne Susko to build a company that can be predictable in its execution for performance and growth. It’s an exercise that we feel would lay a strong foundation and clarify how our short term effort would connect with our long-term goal to make basic income available to over 1B+ people by 2040.

We’re glad that the first version is done! What we’ve discovered are that Asset Safety, RoI Reliability, Accessible Onboarding, and Impact Accountability are the four unique traits that JCF would have high potentials to excel at. While these traits will take intentional effort to achieve, they would set JCF apart from the current crypto space.

El Salvador proposal submitted
The government of El Salvador has been embracing crypto as a national strategy to alleivate the country out of crime and poverty, it also adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender in 2021. Through our advisory connections we’ve submitted a proposal for the government to consider how to bridge the wealth gap.

Please feel free to provide your feedback / questions, as we’re building towards growing wealth for all, and make basic income truly universal!

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單位淨值(NAV):$62.69747 美元

配息池:$642.12 美元
捐贈池:$7,872.70 美元


在比特幣三月看漲行情後,四月和五月看到增長放緩的趨勢。一如既往,JCF 的立場不是去預測未來,而是根據長期增長趨勢來調整我們的成長策略。因此,JCF 的 NAV 基本上保持不變,但我們有一些令人興奮的更新想和您分享:

我們的下一代 WEALTH 平台旨在使創建類似 JCF 的代幣更加容易,且是一個ICO/基金生成器。任何資產主人都可創建自己的代幣,並具有JCF提供的相同的「社會配息」機制。我們很高興宣布: 該平台已在測試網上進行了測試,並將於5月底在主網上上線!

Collision’23將於6月26日至29日在多倫多舉行,JCF將再次作為「Beta Startup」參加。我們在Collision的目標是展示和推廣JCF作為一種安全、易用和有社會影響力的工具,透過低風險策略從加密幣趨勢中獲益,同時支持不同社會目的。

3HAG 分析初版完成
3HAG Way 是由 Shannon Byrne Susko 開發的一種體系,旨在打造在業績和增長方面可預測的公司。我們認為這是一項非常重要的工作,能夠替我們短期目標與長期目標建立明確的聯繫 — 2040年讓 10億多人享受基本收入。






Shun-Yun Hu
Joint Commonwealth Fund

Founder of Joint Commonwealth Inc. (JCF), Co-founder of Imonology Inc. Someone who enjoys to observe, to think, and to create…