JCF Sept. 2023 Update — 常仁基金 2023–09 更新

Shun-Yun Hu
Joint Commonwealth Fund
6 min readSep 11, 2023

How do you create a million social impact funds? 如何創造 1 百萬個社會影響基金?

credits: Infinitus Tech (The Merits of Decentralization)


Current JCF Status
Net Asset Valçue (NAV):
US$ 60.78

Assets Under Management (AUM):
US$ 46,794.93

Monthly Active Users (MAU): 89
Dividend Pool: US$ 622.38
Donation Dividend: US$7,630.68

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JCF is a social impact fund that invests in crypto assets to make basic universal to 1B+ people by 2040.

JCF originated in Taiwan, which recently required all companies handling crypto assets to be regulated. This is a welcome change to weed out the fraud, but it could also mean a higher barrier to scale globally, as countries around the world tighten up regulations.

Our vision has been to provide basic income to over 1B+ people by 2040, and a previous estimate has been a total fund size of at least $17T for 1B+ people to receive $850 / year.

Given the same math and inflation over 20 years, as an updated estimate, if we want to provide $500 / month ($6,000/Y) for 1B+ people, the assets under management (AUM) would be $17T x 7 ~ $120T in total!

In 2022 the US government has spent $6.3T with a total asset size of about $5T. So $120T is a definitely a huge UN-level responsibility for any organizations to handle, not just governments, let alone companies!

On the upside though, the world has accumulated $431T of wealth by 2021, so the wealth for global basic income is definitely there and “supportable” if humanity is behind it!

If we look from this future perspective, how would it actually happen, if we are serious about making basic income truly universal to 1B+ people?

We believe the answer lies in “decentralization”, which is also one of the core design/principles of crypto assets/blockchain technologies.

The idea simply means to avoid any single entity to have the power / responsibility for everything, avoid the so-called “single point of failure” that improves robustness, or anti-fragility.

The internet was designed as a decentralized network of routers, the World Wide Web (WWW) is a decentralized network of servers providing information, and Bitcoin relies on a decentralized network of miners to maintain its decentralized ledgers of transaction records.

If we can facilitate the creation of 1+ million funds averaging about $100M in size, that would give us $100T in total assets.

How do you actually facilitate so many funds be created & managed effectively? We believe that the low cost of tokenization assets via blockchain, and an “open source” approach would probably help.

Here’s our current thinking with regard to JCF, on how we might make the core JCF principles more decentralized, so that we might aid to make this revolution to happen/scale faster:

1) Safety

  • asset (custody)
    The basic view on keeping your own crypto assets safe is to store crypto assets in a “cold wallet”. However, as securing the secret key by one’s self can still be risky (key-man risk), storing at multiple wallets or entrusting 3rd party custodians is another common solution.
    We don’t necessarily want to dictate which asset storage a given fund manager might want to use, which could include anything from a cold wallet, an exchange, to a paid custodian. But the principle is: we don’t touch assets ownership/custodian, so the risk and responsibility to assets rest on individual fund managers/organizations.
  • Return on Investment (RoI / strategy)
    Ensuring assets safety is only the first step, how to grow asset value over time is a more relevant question for investors and impacters alike.
    Our view is to stick with time-tested investment strategies such as “index investment” and “dollar-cost average (DCA)”. Liquidity Pool (LP)s are also a passive income vehicle that fundamentally provides a lender / liquidity service. It can thus also be considered as a “safe” vehicle if chosen well with the right smart contract.
    JCF can offer certain “pre-designed” investment strategies for the asset owners to choose from, allowing asset owners to retain control of their own assets, while creating return on investment (RoI) utilizing specific investment/trading strategies.
  • system (smart contract)
    Besides relying on expert developers and security experts, the best way to ensure system safety is through proper architecting. For example, separating different key components and data storage, such that even if the information system part might fail or be hacked, the assets are still safe, and the transaction records can be restored from the blockchain
    “Open source” systems is another approach to ensure the system is transparent and safe under the scrutiny of many. As the saying goes: “with enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow!”

2) Accessibility

  • mobile-friendly
    Stats show that in 2022 60% of the global Internet population uses mobile to go online. So to gain the widest access and reach, applications should make mobile a “first-class citizen” experience.
  • instant messenger-ready
    Likewise, given that both the Apple/Android eco-systems have strong followers, to make something accessible to a wide population, various UI/UX design issues likely would pop up given the habits and preferences of people in various geogrpahies.
    However, given that 80–90% of the interactions regarding simple passive income instruments or crypto investments is text/info-based, a simple Instant Messenger (IM) interface would not only have the widest reach but also the most adoptable flexibility. As only text+menu based interactions are required.
    AI bots + human chats likely can also make the user experience easy, understandable, even translatable. Key interactions such as Know Your Customer (KYC) checks, can also be executed by the text+image interactions offered by IM interfaces.
  • fiat-exchangeable
    One important hurdle for crypto adoption has been that most people are used to government-issued (fiat) currencies, that are well understood and used. Yet to use cryptos there are various new elements that have to be learnt and mastered, such as wallets/KYC process/private keys.
    If sending fiat money to certain account in exchange for crypto can be done easily (such as that offered by Cybrid), that would also ease the adoption and accessibility of crypto vehicles.

3) Impact

  • extensive
    One of the social goals for JCF is to facilitate the regular donation and support from the fund profit for various social causes, particularly basic income. The GivingBlock has been one of the main services that facilitate crypto donations to various organizations.
    Working with organizations such as The GivingBlock will allow JCF participants to give/donate crypto profits to support causes they care about, in an easy and accessible way. As such we look forward to work with The GivingBlock on donation integration.
  • transparent
    Part of traditional finance is the lack of transparency to various transactions and trades, allowing markets and prices be manipulated. With public tradable cryptos all transactions are under the sun.
    Regarding where the financial resources are used, such transparency will also create better accountability for fund managers and donation recipients alike.
  • automatic
    Part of the beauty of digitalization is the ease for automation. When assets all become digitalized / tokenized in the forms of crypto assets, regular saving or investment strategies can be automated without human intervention.
    For good saving/investment habits (such as dollar cost average), this lends the management and growth of wealth to also become simple and effortless.

Many experts from books such as “The Psychology of Money” (Morgan Housel) or “MONEY Master the Game” (Tony Robbins) have all recommended periodic saving to passive vehicles such as index funds, as the highest performance-to-cost 80/20 investment strategy.

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While the above only captures our current thinking and thought process, there’s no doubt decentralization in systems and asset ownership is the way forward if we are serious about scaling JCF to the next levels.

We hope this has been helpful and please do share and discuss with others about JCF at https://jcf.world. Thanks again for your continued interest and support for JCF! and we look forward to serving more of you, while making basic income truly universal by growing wealth for all!

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JCF 是一家社會影響基金,通過投資加密資產,計劃在2040年前使基本收入普及到10億以上人口。

JCF 起源於台灣,要求政府要求所有加密資產的公司受監管。這是一個正向改變,以清除欺詐行為,但也意味著全球擴張的門檻更高,因世界各國都開始加強監管。


按照相同的數學和通脹率,如果我們想要為10億以上人提供每月500美元(每年6,000美元),則管理的資產總額將達到17兆美元 x 7 ≈ 120兆美元!






互聯網被設計為一個路由器的分散網絡,World Wide Web(WWW)是一個提供信息的分散式伺服器網絡,而比特幣賴於維護其分散式交易記錄的礦工節點。

如果我們可創建約100萬個平均資金規模約1億美元的基金,那麼總資產將達到1億美元 x 100萬 ≈ 100兆美元。



1) 安全性

  • 資產(保管)
  • 投資回報率(策略)
  • 系統(智能合約)

2) 普及性

  • 行動友善
  • 即時通相容
    考慮到蘋果/安卓生態系統都有強大的追隨者,為了讓內容普及,可能有各種UI/UX設計問題,因人們在不同地區的習慣和偏好不同。然而,鑑於80–90%的財務或投資工具的互動是文本/信息的,簡單的即時通訊(IM)界面不僅具有最廣的觸及面,還最能適應各種應用需求,因為只要文本+菜單即可互動。AI機器人 + 人類對話也可使用戶體驗變得簡單,易解,甚至可翻譯。關鍵互動,如實名認證(KYC)檢查,也可以通過IM界面提供的文本+圖像來執行。
  • 法幣交換性

3) 影響力

  • 廣泛對象
    JCF的社會目標之一是促進基金利潤的定期捐贈以支持各種社會事業,特別是基本收入。The GivingBlock 一直以促進各組織接受加密幣捐贈為使命。與The GivingBlock等組織合作將允許JCF參與者輕鬆的將加密利潤捐贈給他們關心的事業。因此,我們期待與The GivingBlock進行捐贈整合。
  • 透明
  • 自動化

對於良好的儲蓄/投資習慣(例如定期定額投資),使財富的管理和增長也變得簡單而輕鬆。許多專家,如《金錢心理學》(Morgan Housel)或《MONEY Master the Game》(Tony Robbins)中的書籍,都建議定期將儲蓄投入到基金等被動工具,作為最高性價比的80/20投資策略。



再次感謝您對 JCF 持續的興趣和支持! 我們期待服務更多會員, 透過協助所有人增長財富,讓基本收入真正普及!



Shun-Yun Hu
Joint Commonwealth Fund

Founder of Joint Commonwealth Inc. (JCF), Co-founder of Imonology Inc. Someone who enjoys to observe, to think, and to create…