What Is The Joint Commonwealth Fund (JCF) And Why Is It Important?

It is a way of finding a balance in growing one’s wealth and automatically benefiting humanity.

MikeQ Hainsworth
Joint Commonwealth Fund
6 min readNov 29, 2022


JCF own image

1bn People on Less Than $2 per Day

At time of writing we live in a world where the distance between the rich and poor has arguably not been so great in a very long time. There are some 1Bn people living on less than $2 per day. Rather than penalise those that create wealth with 90% tax rates there are other ways to redress the disparity.

@sketchify via Canva

Taxation is the remit of governments and for the most part their direction is set by a number of factors that are influenced by the voting public but also by the politicians, who respond to the voting public and the bureaucrats that work behind the scenes within government. Taxation is supposed to be for the benefit of the society, so that centrally managed infrastructure and services are provided to the population.

Give A Man A Fish…

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.”

@amethyststudio via Canva

Although the above quote is of unknown origin it is of international renown. There are several ways we can look at life. Two distinct viewpoints are: The view of abundance and then the view of scarcity.

Fundamentally do you think that there is an abundance of whatever the resource is, or do you feel that that same resource is scarce? So whilst there is only so much landmass on our planet, thus we have a limited space in which to live, we have ever increasing ways to improve what we already do and harness what we need from our planet.

For several hundred years we have had many people talk of ‘tipping points’, ‘unsustainable growth’, ‘diminishing resources’, etc.Yet the global population grows and wealth continues to increase.

Is wealth evenly distributed? And does it matter?

Why does it matter how wealth is distributed now? It is calculated that there is some $500tn in global wealth, of which:

The top 1% of the population owns 40% of the wealth

The top 10% of the population owns 85% of the wealth

The mid 39% of the population owns 14% of the wealth

The bottom 50% of the population owns 1% of the wealth

In fact the 10 richest people in the world have more wealth than the bottom 50% of the world’s population.

So is wealth evenly distributed? No.

Does It Matter?

Now there’s a more interesting question.

Due to the growing changes in how we live and the challenges that we face during the late 20 teens and the early 2020s there has been a sharp increase in the wealth of the richest people. Yet money itself has no real meaning, but what is done with it can have meaning.

Does Money Have Meaning?

Oleksii Afanasiev via Canva

Beyond a certain point the monetarily successful will find the rewards and meaning within the activities and processes that they create, rather than the money they earn. The drive then is the desire to do better, to be creative, to build something, this would be the ‘how to fish’ part of the above phrase and the ‘money’ is the ‘fish’ element.

Mazlow’s Hierarchy

Everyone wants their basic needs, to be warm at night, feel secure in life, see Mazlow’s Hierarchy of Needs and then, once reached, aspirations to grow, to build, to create, start to develop. Our human society is filled with this growth through aspiration, innovation and creation. Our collective society will be better once the inequalities have been reduced, with everyone beyond the need to simply stay alive, then greater aspiration, creation, innovation will begin. Ultimately benefiting all.

So does it matter if wealth is not evenly distributed? Yes, it does.

A More Even Distribution of Wealth

So the next question is how can we make it more evenly distributed?

The political process whether monarchy, autocratic, socialistic, democratic, or whatever the structure has not fulfilled the expectations it promised to, regardless of your choice. Government is a necessity and fulfils a range of services to its citizens.

Collective Decisions

The thing that makes change is when we collectively decide on how we are going to do what we want to do. We all have choices each day, to be loyal, honest, honourable, to be true to ourselves. And that defines us. So we can also choose to build our own wealth and we can choose to share our wealth.

JCF Differences

What is the difference between JCF and handing out a donation?

Well there is a donation element to the Fund itself. JCF however is a profit based index fund that has a social impact vision. By 2040 we will have 1bn people gaining a basic income/asset from the Fund itself.

Creating Wealth For All

JCF is a wealth generation fund. Based on the principles proven by the likes of Warren Buffet and Einstein, investing in a fund over the long term will outperform a trading strategy and;

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” Einstein.

Crypto Fund

JCF is a crypto fund, leveraging the top 10 traded cryptos. This aims to mitigate the level of risk a retail investor may have, when they invest in individual tokens. A fund approach calculates when to liquidate and migrate to other assets, so the investor does not have to. JCF does this for the investor.

@photoidea3 via Canva


The profit is then split into different component parts, the majority of the dividend is fed back into the fund to benefit from the compound effect.

Part of the fund is paid as a proportional dividend based on the volume of JCF tokens owned.

Part is paid as a dividend equally shared between all JCF token holders — this is the basic income/asset element.

Part is donated to a specified individual or entity.

Finally, part is used to run the platform and manage the Fund itself.

Donation of Tokens — Choice

A percentage of JCF tokens will be donated, the investor can choose who the recipient is, an individual or entity. This then provides the recipient with a choice, do they cash the token or hold for increased tokens when the next dividend is released? Once an individual or entity holds JCF tokens they will then benefit from future dividend payments.


Retail investments can start from as little as $10, there is no limit to the size of any investment. www.jcf.world is an ideal place to find out more about how we can deliberately make an impact by investing in a Fund that builds wealth and helps others grow their own wealth as well. We can make the distribution of wealth more equal.

@puckung via Canva



MikeQ Hainsworth
Joint Commonwealth Fund

Business, Blockchain, Property Entrepreneur. Independent thinker, plain speaker, loving laughter, believer