How To Do KYC-AML On

Jose ruano
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2021


Why KYC?

KYC / AML and accreditation is not meant to be an easy process. It is meant to stop fraud, money laundering, and unqualified investors from a regulatory standpoint from investing in JNTR. Due to the arduous nature of KYC, Jointer does not want to punish investors for a slow KYC response time. Therefore, Jointer implemented, Reverse KYC.

The KYC/AML and accreditation checks are a part of an ongoing compliance process. Therefore, Jointer is just reversing the verification process to make it more friendly for investors but does not take any legal shortcuts.

Reverse KYC allows investors to purchase JNTR from the Auction or swap to JNTR through SmartSwap. The investor in JNTR will then have to start the KYC process in order to send, sell, swap, or redeem JNTR. This means until the investor passes KYC/AML and potentially accreditation, their JNTR will be locked indefinitely from moving. Investors can still opt to gain access to the whitelist before investing by passing the checks before investing, the traditional and forward process.

In order to make sure investors understand the risk, Jointer will display the following message to ensure all investors CONFIRM this

“ALL your JNTR tokens that are sent to your wallet will be LOCKED FOREVER with NO ability to send, sell, swap, or redeem until you successfully complete your KYC/AML. If you are from a regulated country like the USA, you will also need to complete accreditation compliance with Regulation D 506(c) otherwise you will be unable to move your JNTR.

You can avoid that risk by clicking here to start your KYC/AML before investing or swapping, otherwise type the word CONFIRM to show that you understand and agree to the above terms.”

MetaMask is recommended. No other wallets are supported at this time, use at your own risk.

JNTR cannot be deposited on STEX at the current time and may be illiquid

Some countries requires accreditation in addition to KYC-AML (at this time our KYC partner cant pass users from this countries)


MetaMask is recommended. No other wallets are supported at this time, use at your own risk.

JNTR cannot be deposited on STEX at the current time and may be illiquid

Some countries requires accreditation in addition to KYC-AML (at this time our KYC partner cant pass users from this countries).

ADDING YOUR TRUSTWALLET TO METAMASK (if you already using metamask start from part 2)

First you need to get your wallet recovery phrase from trustwallet:

Open trustwallet and go to setting section, click wallets , choose wallet and press SHOW RECOVERY PFRASE.

AFTER this you will see 12 words key , copy them (never share).

Now you have your Recovery phrase , come on to metamask.

You Need To Add Binance Smart Chain Into Metamask

•Network Name: BSC Mainnet


•ChainID: 56, or 0x38 if 56 doesn’t work


Select the newly added BSC Mainnet network and you’re now connected to the BSC network

Now you need to add JNTR token contract in binance smart chain(recently added network)

1.CLICK add token

2.CLICK Custom token

3.Enter JNTR contract address in contract field

4.Other fields will fill by system

5.Enter save or add token.



part 2

1.Install metamask on your pc from

2.Go to and will see “CONNECT WALLET ”click on it then select metamask

After Connecting Your Metamask

now click on “get white listed”

KYC requires fee?

What do I need to pay?

Do you remember we created binance smart chain network?

Kindly copy that network address and send BNB to that address

You See Account 1,Below That Is An Address , Its Your Wallet Address.

After clicking on “GET WHITE LISTED”:

In this picture I have not enough balance

to cover transaction fee.

(so I need deposit BNB to my BSC address)

After that I will be able to click on “CONFIRM”

And redirect to FRACTAL for applying my


So if you did previous step and made deposit to your BSC address click on “confirm”

After making payment (KYC provider fee)

Then the website will redirect you to fractal website .

Then complete tasks on fractal.

Tasks include:

Passport , Id card or driving licence photo and live selfie verification.

The task provider is not us please don’t ask more about it.

After successfully verification you get email from fractal And you will be able to use jointer .


