Shattering Your Safe-Space Fallacy

And does this fill you with fear?

BJ Dawson
JOliver’s Twist


Photo by omar alnahi

You are not safe.

Not from my sight.
Not from anything at all.

Your safety is an illusion
artificially perfumed
by toxic-if-ingested,
chemical-vat, mass-produced
vanilla extract and vast
other lavender lies born
from labs designed to center
you in self-delusion as
its poisons permeate the
willing listener, and — hey
just listen — It’s okay.

Go back to sleep if you like,
but just to be clear…

You are not safe.

You never were, for
no matter where you go,
there you are, on a giant rock
circumnavigating a star,
only narrowly avoiding other giant rocks
by fate’s cosmic idiosyncrasies.

You are not safe.

Your safety construct
is cruel cronyism
centered on creative inaction;



BJ Dawson
JOliver’s Twist

Medium Top Procrastinator. Guilty of writing under the influence. No, I’m not upset. My face always looks this way. INTP