Stupid in the Future

A conversational hybrid poem

BJ Dawson
JOliver’s Twist


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

Man, it fuckin’ sucks being at that age
where you blink
and four months have passed,

You know what I’m mean?

You see, not too long ago, I was twenty-five,
and the big five-zero seemed decades away,
cause it was, knamean?

I mean like, fifty was supposed to be way off in the far-flung future with future-shit, like flying cars, food-pills, cyberpunk dystopia, and renegade, homicidal AI robots turning humanity into red mist and shit like that.

Speculative, and whatnot, knamean?

Back then, I was like,
“I fucks with the future!”
with my whole chest, and shit,

Shit, I was ready to jack into the Matrix,
way before that movie came out,
called The Matrix,
ya feel me?

But then, next thing I knew,
some stuff happened, and,
well, a lot of stuff happened and then,
hell, I still remember being forty-eight
like it was yesterday,



BJ Dawson
JOliver’s Twist

Medium Top Procrastinator. Guilty of writing under the influence. No, I’m not upset. My face always looks this way. INTP