The Uncertainty Of Life

The struggle within

Colleen Millsteed
JOliver’s Twist
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024


A picture depicting the internal struggle of a man, the feeling of fighting frim being swallowed by a black hole.
Image courtesy of Pixabay

He often stumbles along life’s pathway in utter confusion,
Making fantastical decisions out of the blue,
Dedicated to making his dreams come true,
But scattered from the doubts because he has just a few.

His chest feels hollow, although filled with constant dread,
And he consistently questions if he’s doing the right thing,
Is it too late to turn back the clock?
Or is it that the fat lady is yet to sing?

He’s in with every muscle at this late stage,
And has no choice but to move forward along this path chosen,
Fear a living, breathing entity within his sight,
At times leaving his mind blank and completely frozen.

But he tackles the fight into untended submission,
Taking each day as they come, one at a time,
Slowly stepping forth to battle the doubts,
Leaving it to the universe to generously align.

The obstacles stack up, queuing for attention,
His stress levels peak by the end of each day,
Exhaustion sets in, paving the way for his anxious doubts,
Ensuring his…



Colleen Millsteed
JOliver’s Twist

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.