What Binds Us

A golden shovel poem

BJ Dawson
JOliver’s Twist


Photo by cottonbro studio

July sun rises on dragonflies and you and I,
nestled upon vergence, you are, and I am;
discordant songs fall silent; souls sooth, certain

of dawn’s affections carved in your marble
by windswept shadow’s moonless whisper and
vows which passed between vessels the other night.

From dusk until dawn of first light, when first kissed
by fireflies’ wide-eyed reclamation at
what binds us, we hold fast upon Creation.

“I am certain
marble and night
kissed at Creation.” –From The Story We Tell Ourselves, by J.M. Antrobus

Created with gratitude to Mr. Antrobus for providing the words that served as the spine of my golden shovel, and for inspiring me with his wonderful poem, shared below:



BJ Dawson
JOliver’s Twist

Medium Top Procrastinator. Guilty of writing under the influence. No, I’m not upset. My face always looks this way. INTP https://cosmicrubble.com/