New Features in

Winston Teo Yong Wei
Jolly Good Notes
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2016

Relatedly, I wrote another piece titled “Learnings from Building You might be interested in reading that too. And is now open source.

Five Basic Configurations

The screenshot above was what started with: 5 config options. Specifically, settings for email, time zone, frequency/time to receive emails and number of Pocket items in the email.

Over the last few weeks, I have added four more config options to based on feature suggestions by users.

Where would you like to be redirected to?

I prefer to be redirected to the original URL on clicking the link in the email, but some prefer Pocket so that they can tag/archive the link after reading. Hence, this option.

Which Pocket items would you like to see in the email?

In the original setup, will pick Pocket items from the Unread pool. However, we also have users who prefer to use the Archived pool instead for selecting Pocket item to be included in the emails.

What is your preferred age of Pocket items?

Most users don’t want to reread that article that was bookmarked yesterday. That’s too fast! Instead, some prefer to read articles that were bookmarked a few months ago, and so we provide options for 3, 6 , 9 or 12 months ago.

Would you like to “Archive” the Pocket item in Pocket on read?

Since “Archive” is quite a common action for users after reading an article, why don’t we let the app do it for you?

Hope you like the new features! Happy New Year!



Winston Teo Yong Wei
Jolly Good Notes

Head of Engineering Excellence @ SP Group, Founder/Dev @jollygoodcode, Ex-Organiser @reddotrubyconf, Builder @deppbot,, and Ex-Pivotal Labs