Nomzamo Mbeje
2 min readAug 11, 2016

Calle Obrapia #4”

Danced by Anne Reymann, Corinne Pontana, Rolando Rocha, Jean-Antoine Bigot, Anne Le Batard
Music composed by Pascal Ferrari

A narrow street, the entrance to a theatre, its pavements, the walls of its edifice: a space to discover, to take over. Three women and two men take possession of a space. Each one has their own history, their own identity, the need for recognition. Wandering, waiting and hoping, they dance with the walls, the ground, the pavements. Bodies cross over, interlace, collide, embrace, speak to each other. Are they passing by, in transit or in exile? From time to time snatches of music break the silence and the voices of a radio allow us to hear bits and pieces of current affairs, music and multi-colored voices …

About Compagnie Ex Nihilo:

Ex Nihilo is a company started in 1993, around a shared desire to regard public space as the work place and the site for our shows. Public space that we understand in all their richness and dimensions: spatial, historical, social, poetic … public space, quite simply as the other place for art. Each of our creations is envisaged “in situ” — the specific history of the site, the relationships that exist there, its atmosphere, all this “enriches” our writings, nourish the scenario and the set design of each one of our performances. We call these encounters with such places: Amalgame(s). Both performances and research, impregnated with feeling — ‘amal ‘al gam, the work of union, in Arabic. Movement is declared a way of “taking” a territory, or rather, the dancers borrow a space for the duration of a show — an ephemeral appropriation which never excludes the “other”, the passer-by, the spectator, the citizen…

