Flossophy Friday, July 31, 2020

Jonathan Marcus
Jonathan Marcus Writer
4 min readAug 2, 2020

July 31, 2020

Happy Hotness, Fellow Scotch Bonnet Peppers,

We got three words for ya’ this week: Ne. Bras. Ka.

See, what happened is, well, given all the dire news lately, Staff was vexed about roots and ruts and anchoring in the primordial ooze of current events and lack of, well, mobility. Maybe this is a justifiable fear, maybe not. In any case, “maybe / maybe not” is Management’s assessment.

So, we had a meeting. Staff deflected the agenda with startling research: Nebraska is one of the top fifty least visited U.S. states in the whole world. Who wouldn’t want to go there even if he or she had a job with super-woke, other-worldly leadership, and all you had to do was turn out one measly not-a-newsletter newsletter at the rate of one every 168 hours? (Rhetorical.)

And talk about social distancing!

Home of Arbor Day? *

You probably haven’t thought much about Nebraska lately. But now that you’re really thinking about it, let’s face it . . . it’s way out there. And maybe Staff will send back some live-on-the-scene, wish-you-were-here images. And then maybe if everyone is behaving, we’ll share some. Have a great week in some other state!

Fictionary Friday: Words You Need. Whether you know it or not.

Whudooli (hoo doo lee) Noun: Decrying the dearth of MidEast food in the MidWest.

In a sentence: In a desperate fit of whudooli, Cat Agorey rambled the streets of Lincoln all night searching for a freaking falafel, and finally sobbed at dawn over a pig-in-a-blanket at the Capitol Cafe.

Wikipedia Friday Favorite:
In honor of the intersection of curiosity and logarithmically expanding human knowledge, we offer a weekly favorite obscure Wikipedia page. But first, a question: what do Grover Cleveland Alexander, Marlon Brando, Buffalo Bill Cody, L. Ron Hubbard, and Dick Cavett have in common?


Fizzdom Friday: from our collection of favorite quotes.

“Looking at life from a different perspective makes you realize that
it’s not the deer that is crossing the road, rather,
it’s the road that is crossing the forest.” — Mohammed Ali

“In America when the sun goes down and I sit on the old broken-down river pier watching the long, long skies over New Jersey and sense all that raw land that rolls in one unbelievable huge bulge over to the West Coast, and all that road going, all the people dreaming in the immensity of it … and nobody, nobody
knows what’s going to happen.” — Jack Kerouac

* Arbor Day. Hmmm. Well, at least they’re trying. We hope. But a friendly suggestion from the marketing department: a billboard announcing “Home of Arbor Day” should feature at least one tree between here and the horizon.

Since you asked: after Omaha, Lincoln, and a few towns with great names like North Platte, Scotts Bluff, Kearney, and Alliance, basically hardly any people live in this great wide-open expanse.

Cherry County, for example, is bigger than Connecticut. Population: 5,713. Now that’s a cherry county. According to Wikipedia, “Cherry County voters are reliably Republican. In no national election since 1936 has the county selected the Democratic Party candidate.”

We’ll let you know if they allow us into the county.

Write if you (do) or (do not) remain stuck.

Yours almost on the road,

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PPPS: Access the complete archive of past Flossophy Fridays, from the very beginning.



Jonathan Marcus
Jonathan Marcus Writer

Thinking about things is the family business. Writer, Observer, Activist, Funny Guy. Sign up for weekly Flossophy Friday short reads at www.jonathanmarcus.org.