How to Develop a Portfolio using Gatsby

Making it more performance, using: Styled Components, Netlify, GraphQL …


Gatsby is a React-based static website generator. It offers advantages such as performance and SEO components!


In 2018, I wanted to apply some knowledge, and thus learn more about components, in addition to wanting to have my own website. So I elaborated using these technologies:

So, over time there was a need to apply new development stacks, which made me think about refactoring.

Man typing on giphy

New website

With the rise of javascript frameworks, in 2020, I refactored using Gatsby. Along with some specific tools to increase performance, the main ones are listed below:

Screenshot of the website


An SSG (Static Site Generator), based on React that uses GraphQL for content consumption.

As already mentioned, one of its main advantages is to generate static files in the build, becoming a great ally to use SEO resources, having integrations through plugins with Analytics and Helmet. And it has multiple plugins.

How Gatsby works on Docs Gatsby


Created with the aim of facilitating data manipulation, where you make queries describing what type of data you need and it returns exactly the respective values.

Together with Gatsby, we inform what data a specific component will need. Then, the Gatsby receive this data when that component is rendered.

Styled Components

CSS-in-JS solution, which takes advantage of current componentization methods to create components in a way that reduces style conflicts, for example:

// Static object
const Box = styled.div({
background: 'palevioletred',
height: '50px',
width: '50px'
// Adapting based on props
const PropsBox = styled.div(props => ({
background: props.background,
height: '50px',
width: '50px'
<Box />
<PropsBox background="blue" />


It’s a complete and automated platform for hosting projects “free for personal projects”, where it already has continuous deployment and several advanced features.

In the continuous deployment process, each build performed can be accessed separately through a generated URL.

If you want to know more about the source code, just access github.

I hope you enjoyed the content! If you have suggestions and/or criticisms comment below. Bye! 🖐🏽



Jonathan Cardoso

Software Engineer with focus on Front end, who likes to learn and share knowledge! a technology enthusiast.🇧🇷 #opensource #javascript #reactjs #nodejs #python