2011 E3 Recap (June 7–9, 2011)

Jony Cheung
Jony’s blog
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2011

It was my very first E3 and it was really interesting. I went hoping to find some interesting games and innovative experiences. I went for only 2 days but I have to say it wasn’t enough time to try everything. I only had enough time to pick and choose what I wanted to try. E3 is like an amusement park. People were lining up to try the consoles or whatever each company had to offer. The obvious big players at E3 were the hardware makers — Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. Each of these companies had their own futuristic 2-story structure inside the expo floor. I especially enjoyed Nintendo’s area as they had nice decor pretty girls manning the gaming stations :P Our area — Sony’s was nice too. They had at least 50+ PS3 on the floor, each loaded with different game demos. I played through a couple of them — Ninja Geiden, Silent Hill..etc.

The most hyped and secretive area had to be PSP Vita. There were about 20 of the PSP Vita inside this closed cubicle. The gaming experience is definitely different and more robust. I can imagine that the new generation of gamers will use all 5 fingers to play hard-core games on this device and doing amazing things.

There was also the Wii-U. However, I had no interest to stand in line for it (not because I’m from Sony but) because I had no idea what the press release said about it and from what I saw, I couldn’t see anything interesting with it, yet.

Last but not least, it was great to see the Video On Demand App on display.

My take-away? Buy PSP Vita!

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Jony Cheung
Jony’s blog

Senior Engineering Manager at Postman | ex Atlassian, Sony Playstation, Prosper Marketplace