Feynman and the beauty form of knowledge

Ceren Doganer
4 min readFeb 22, 2020


“For human beings, beauty is not just skin deep. The unique spiritual beauty of the human being lies in the reason or mind. Human beings are comprised of two kinds of beauty: the beauty of the body, which is beautiful insofar as the proportion, integrity, and clarity exist in the physical form; and more importantly, a spiritual beauty that refers to human intelligence and will instantiated in the body.” Dadosky, J. (2014). The Eclipse and Recovery of Beauty: A Lonergan Approach. University of Toronto Press. p41.

For many of us, the topics that seem long and complex, especially on physics, are pleasant and quite simple for some. According to Feynman, the first reason for this is: imagination. To be a good physicist, first of all, it is necessary to have the necessary imagination. In order to tell people about physics or any other subject, you need to use the connections. This already shows how our brains work in some way. A steady movement is needed for that amazing muscle. Whether you are learning languages ​​or mathematics, what we call learning is actually progressing from the same logic, regardless of the subject.

You’ve probably watched at least a few videos or read articles on Feynman and learning techniques. The simplest and most beautiful way of telling about it, which is the reason for the start of this article, you can find it from the link here. But all this could come from the videos watched by millions to the subject of beauty?

Looking at another well-known idea of ​​Nietzsche to explain the relationship between them may perhaps bring us to an interesting point. Beauty is also a form of knowledge. There are things people can enjoy even if they don’t have a deep knowledge of what happens sometimes. The beauty of something does not always depend on it being intelligible. Music or art are the best examples of this. Sometimes, thanks to our collective consciousness, we can easily feel ourselves as part of that universe, even though we don’t know anything.

Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that’s not why we do it.

Richard Feynman

As the continuation of the subject goes up to instincts, it should not be deepened here. However, at some point, we may collect information in a common area. As it is understood from his works, one of the most fun and appreciated aspects of this scientist is that he can convey information in a very simple way.

  1. DRAW a map

And this will be an example of growth mind. In fact, what you want to say is to find a learning path in your field before calculating what you can do. This is primarily by drawing a map. For example, suppose you learn a language. You can obtain useful information through this map thanks to your own sense of pleasure and your learning potential. First of all, is not to seeing it as a task and making it a habit as soon as possible. Because language is never “a language” all alone, the fun part starts when you enter to their culture. If you are interested in movies, start with movies in that language. These books can also be sports channels, radio or artwork. The first part is to see that culture as a new color in your life.

2. FIND your own method

The second is to find your own method. One of the most simple and innovative ones is to take sentences as structure. For example, start with a subject, a verb and an object, the sentence. Think under each of them as if it were a column and fill it with words from the same category. In the beginning, you can regularly target 1000 words. In short, the most important thing is to discover the learning method.

3. KEEP fighting

You need to learn not to be crushed under a knowledge. The best part of the work starts here. Everyone makes their own attack plan. In this way, you break the things that are forced into pieces, conquer them one by one and finally look back. You should not miss any points. Until you are sure that it is in place when you look back. If you don’t, you will look again. If not, again. And then again.

Now you can decide where to start. For topics like this, you can click this link for information that can be useful not only for language, but also for many other subjects.

