Putting Psychological Safety at the Forefront

Jopwell Insights
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019

Microaggressions, a term originating from psychiatrist and Harvard University professor Chester M. Pierce in 1970, are subtle biases directed at underrepresented populations, such as people of color, women, and LGBTQ people among others. Whether these comments are about the way an individual speaks or a person’s style — intentional or not — microaggressions are productivity killers according to former Equal Employment Opportunity Commission attorney Stephen M. Paskoff. Microaggressions threaten the psychological safety of individuals who experience them and require both cognitive and emotional energy that could otherwise be dedicated towards work.

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There have been countless articles, talks, and studies underscoring the importance of psychological safety and vulnerability in the workplace. A Google study surveying over 200 employees concluded that psychological safety was the most important element for a team’s effectiveness. The safer an employee feels, the more likely he or she is willing to admit mistakes, assume new roles, and take risks. However, people who don’t feel psychologically safe in the workplace are far less likely to speak up. From a business standpoint, this affects a company’s bottom line through employee turnover. In a national study, six out of ten people said that a lack of emotional safety at work would make them quit a job immediately.

Combating microaggressions begins with awareness. Companies can build awareness and reduce microaggressions by surveying employees, sharing what they learn through data analysis, and training employees to foster better communication. Just as companies speak about sexual harassment in the workplace, so should they address microaggressions through company policies and employee education. If psychological safety is the key driver for effective teams, then companies would do well to put it at the forefront of their employee engagement programs.

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