Day In The Life: Meet Mozilla Influencer Relations Manager Sierra Reed

Sierra Reed
The Well (
4 min readMay 1, 2017
Sierra Reed (left) at work with a teammate at Mozilla’s San Francisco headquarters.

Sierra Reed
Social and Influencer Relations Manager, Mozilla
San Francisco, CA
Twitter: @SimplxeSierra

5:30am: Before rolling out of bed, I check the pulse of the world on social media and some of my favorite sites for news updates — theSkimm, The New York Times, and The Economist. Then it’s time to get dressed. My work style is very relaxed (jeans, blouse, and booties or Converse). When I’m short on time, hello dresses. For breakfast, I make egg whites and oatmeal, then I’m out the door.

7:00am: My commute to work from the East Bay to the Mozilla office in San Francisco is just under an hour. Our office is open space and at any given moment there are various conversations taking place at once, music playing, and video calls. It’s definitely lively! I arrive a little early (most of my colleagues trickle in around 8:30) to get my thoughts together for the day before the crowd arrives. I use Trello to monitor my tasks for the day, check any non-urgent emails from the weekend, and prepare for a few meetings. Next up: coffee. I like to start my day with a bottle of water and a cup of Nespresso.

8:00am: I meet with some of our volunteers to discuss our company’s core values. Mozilla is a non-profit fighting for internet health and making sure that the internet remains a free, open, and accessible global public resource. As a community manager, I’m one of the points of contact for the global Mozilla volunteers. We have strong communities around the world that run events, help contribute code, and work towards creating a healthy Internet alongside Mozilla. I help our community members manage their social media, find ways to mobilize people in their region, and give them updates on what’s happening at Mozilla. It’s fun and rewarding to work with such dedicated and amazing people around the world who care about doing good for their community.

10:00am: I create a report to share with my colleagues on the success of a project I worked on for our International Women’s Day campaign. In conjunction with colleagues from the Mozilla Foundation, I identified 24 women in STEM to highlight for #womenoftheweb. Inspired by the film Hidden Figures and our fight towards inclusion on the web, we highlighted how women have made significant contributions in STEM. Each hour, a tweet went out from @Mozilla to help bring to light to these important women, past and present.

12:00pm: We have catered lunch at Mozilla, which keeps me excited! I wish I could say that I ate salad everyday, but the food is too delicious. Today is my favorite menu: Taco Tuesday. Freshly made tortilla chips, guacamole, salsas, and various meats such as birria and carnitas — yum. I take my lunch to our rooftop to enjoy some sunlight and catch up with colleagues in other departments that I don’t work with often.

1:00pm: Back at my desk, I turn on Pandora and start researching potential partners to join our web literacy and internet health advocacy events and Twitter chats in May. I send a message to my boss via Slack to see if there’s anything she’d like for me to prioritize. I check our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram accounts to make sure the pulse of the conversation is a positive one. Lucky for me, we have a great team dedication to internet health, and we work together to share news in our Slack channel.

3:00pm: I grab some herbal ginger tea to help me stay alert for my next meeting. Since Mozilla is a global company, I have most of my communication with people through Vidyo calls. Today I chat with my colleague about a curriculum we’re using to educate our department on microaggressions. We identify what microaggressions we’ll focus on and what solutions we’ll propose to them. After our call, I answer a few more emails and finish off a couple tasks in Trello.

4:30pm: I wrap up at the office and head to the gym to take a spinning class. I love breaking a healthy sweat before heading home to relax.

6:30pm: Back at home, I watch Twin Peaks and try to figure out what happened to Laura Palmer. For dinner, I cook tilapia with sweet potatoes and steamed veggies, which I enjoy with a glass of chardonnay.

10:30pm: The biggest lie I tell myself each night is “one more episode.” I generally aim to be in bed around 11pm, so I drink a cup of herbal tea and head to sleep.

This post originally appeared on The Well, Jopwell’s digital magazine, on April 26, 2017. Mozilla is Jopwell partner company.

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Sierra Reed
The Well (

Ain’t nobody dope as me. Social & Influencer Relations Manager @mozilla. Oakland sports fan. Kinda fit. Tweet/Posts = mine.