Baby Blaser

Jordan Blaser
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2014
Baby Blaser //

We’s be havin’ a babee. We found out in May that a little one would be joining this little family of ours in February 2015. I am now in my third trimester and I still can’t believe it. I can feel this little being moving inside of me and none of my old clothes fit, but I still can’t believe this weight gain will result in a baby… a BABY!!

In NYC we were lucky enough to find a clinic that would take us (yes, most NYC doctors are booked literally 9 months in advanced) and as a standard procedure they did an ultrasound every single appointment. Meaning we had a good idea of what the gender would be a few weeks in advanced. At about 14 weeks our ultrasound technician (one of the cutest New Yorkers I met) made her prediction that baby would be a girl. She was right. Now being back home we are going to a wonderful midwife who I couldn’t be more happy with. I’m still not sure what my “birth plan” will be, all I know is I don’t want to be numb in bed for hours and hours. We have a car now so going into labor and having to hail a taxi is no longer a worry in my mind. Sometimes I think the cats are on to us and other times I’m positive they have no idea what/who is about to rock their world. Waldorf spends a majority of his time on our laps and occasionally Statler will JOIN him meaning I have two cats and a baby for company as I marathon watch Gilmore Girls. This is going to have to change, I’m just not sure when.

Photos by the lovely: J. Taylor Photography

