Jordan Cowdery
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2018


Exposure — “the fact or condition of being and the condition of being subject to some effect or influence.” Intelligence determines Interest, which in turn affects your circle of Influence. Have you ever taken interest in someone who’s not interesting to you? Probably not. Those who are interesting ‘decidedly’ have invested ‘interest’ in any given area of intelligence a.k.a. knowledge. And no, this has nothing to do with IQ, big “I’s” and little “U’s”. I am talking about making a decision, which we all do everyday. So today, Expose yourself to something constructive in the area of your purpose in order to invest interest in your own intelligence that you become more interesting. And stop knocking what you don’t understand. Arrogance is the cancer of Authoritativeness!



#WordOfTheDay #grow #exposure #readersareleaders #Wednesday

