Part 1: Self-Awareness And The Real Reason Why You Get Rejected: How to Be Self-Confident

Jordan Cowdery
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2017

Self-Awareness is the one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Just think about it for a moment — suppose everyone on earth were incredibly self-aware. Injustice would greatly diminish, there would be less arguments, more responsible families, and fewer finger-pointers.


Simply put, the world would be a better place.


Why are so many people less aware of themselves, and more cognizant of others? It’s fear. That’s it! Many people are afraid of just being themselves because somewhere in this journey called life they’ve been emotionally damaged and haven’t forgotten about the pain. Therefore they’ve retreated inward to protect themselves from outward rejection.


Person to person rejection is when someone fearfully believes that interacting with you prevents them from winning. This is why rejection should never be taken to heart. They are afraid as well.


To initially overcome rejection, the real you needs validation. I’m not referring to the social-media-you. I’m speaking to the core of you that’s hidden. The one that you closely guard and keep silent so that you can retain the promotion or the relationship. The one that really wants to talk but is afraid of what will be spoken if given permission to speak. I’m encouraging you to give yourself person to not fear any more. No longer do you need to emulate others. Never have you needed to do that! You only did it because you lacked strength to be you, and thought that being someone else would be easier.


One who’s living a lie is only alive, but they’re not living.


Becoming self-aware requires that you pay close attention to yourself, not to see the glass half empty, but to see it half full and be filled with your born purpose. You’re not a mistake. Today, it doesn’t matter the situation you inherited, or who didn’t validate you. I’m not trivializing heartache, but always know that time doesn’t care about it — it moves on, and you should too. In exchange of consuming someone else’s strategically promoted online life, I challenge you to become more self-aware this week. Seriously evaluate your heart and its untapped treasure inside, and then answer yourself as to why you’ve been hiding it.

You’re worth it!

Jordan Cowdery


