Can these 2 run for president?

Jordan Munson
Jordan’s Brain
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2020
Vice presidential debate Image

Kamala Harris and Mike pence’s debate is exactly what leadership should look like.

After the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, it was clear that our country is in a lot of trouble when it comes to leadership.

The constant interruptions and petty insults (mostly by Trump) made more of a roast battle rather than a debate.

Today on October 10th, 2020 the Vice Presidential debate occurred, and to be honest, it was almost a breath of fresh air.

Vice president Mike pence and Kamala Harris not only respectfully and intelligently debated, but they did so with professionalism.

As I watched these two fight for their boss's integrity the only thing I could think of was why can’t our actual presidential nominees act like this.

How is it that the Vice Presidents show more professionalism and respect than their superiors? I almost felt like we were in a completely different presidential race.

Kamala Harris was very strong in this debate as she reciprocated Joe Biden’s beliefs on climate change, COVID-19 plans, racial justice, and many other subjects. She also of coarse explained why the current administration was failing the American people.

Mike pence keeping a very calm attitude did the same for his President.

Both Vice Presidential candidates gave strong arguments during their debate and should be very proud of their performance.

It is just insane to me how much this week's debate contrasted with the last one. It is incredible how much better our country looks when our leaders are professional.

I personally believe Kamala Harris won this debate. She not only defended Joe Biden’s beliefs but was pretty aggressive towards the Trump administration. Stating things like,”…

“On January 28, the vice president and the president were informed about the nature of this pandemic. They were informed that it’s lethal. In consequence that it is airborne that it will affect young people, and that it would be contracted, because it is airborne. And they knew what was happening and they didn’t tell you.”

While Mike Pence did his best it is hard to ignore the current state of the country even if it wasn’t the President's fault.

In conclusion, though, I want to congratulate both nominees for their amazing debate and ask Donald Trump and Joe Biden to take notes from their vice presidents.

It might just win them the election.

