There is no such thing as fate

Jordan Munson
Jordan’s Brain
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2021


Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

Over the past few months, I’ve taken a really good look at my religious and spiritual beliefs. I have argued with myself over how I want my outlook on life to be, and I think I’ve come to a conclusion.

In contrast with my parents beliefs, I no longer feel the need to justify the good or bad things that happen in my life. I’m tired of trying to find the deeper meaning of my struggles, because honestly It simply doesn’t make sense. Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. There is not a greater power or force that is influencing the success of someone’s life, it is merely their own actions that influence their own lives.

That is why you will most likely find the most rude and corrupt people at the top of society. They are the select few with the confidence and ambition to make their way to the top regardless of their impact on others.

In a zombie apocalypse, who do you think will survive, the nice Christian man that believes in helping people and fixes all of his problems by talking things out, or the asshole leather jacket wearing, toxic masculine guy that treats everyone around him like shit? I’d probably be friends with the Christian guy, but I’m putting my money on the asshole every time. I’d be stupid not too, because in this world, success is acquired by the people who are skilled enough to obtain it. Rather than the people who are kind and loving enough to deserve it.

Now hear me out, in no way am I advocating to be an asshole or a corrupt person because that does not contribute to success. What I’m saying is in a dog-eat-dog world you have to be able to take what you want and strike first because if you don’t someone else will and there is no special force that will impact that. Karma is not real, so when you see your childhood bully living a very successful life, don’t be surprised.

Tieing back to the title, these ideas that I’ve described is exactly why I don’t believe in fate or destiny. The ideal that your life is predestined to have a certain outcome is ridiculous when you think of all the possible outcomes you could put yourself into. Speaking religiously, there is not a plan god, or what ever you believe in, has for you. There can’t possibly be because at any moment you could put a trigger to your head and pull it. I am almost positive suicide is not in Gods plan for you.

At any moment in time, you can make a decision that can change the entire outcome of your life. There are an infinite number of outcomes that can change your future at any given time, so don’t ever think that you are destined to do something because you aren’t. The only thing you are destined to do is die, nothing else is promised.

So instead of trying to follow a certain path for your life or trying to achieve a specific outcome, remember that things almost never go according to plan. Accept and enjoy the journey rather than be frustrated on what’s not going “according to plan”. In the grand scheme of things, life is just a series of causes and effects. That’s all it’s ever been, so stop trying to make it more.

