What it’s really like to live in Texas

Jordan Munson
Jordan’s Brain
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2020

I promise you we aren’t just farm girls and rednecks.

Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

My name is Jordan Munson and I live in San Antonio, Texas. I moved to Texas when I was 5 from Rochester Michigan and I’ve been living here for the past 11 years. I’m going to start this off by saying I love Texas. From the beautiful weather to the awesome people, I think texas has a place for everyone. With that being said let’s dive into why Texas is one of the best states in the U.S.

The weather

I’m not gonna lie to you It’s hot in Texas. Most cities get summers above 100 degrees, and winters stay above 30 typically. The heat is pretty bad in the summer most people try to stay indoors or go swimming, the only real times it’s nice to be outside are early in the morning or late at night. Every other season, however, is beautiful, it’s never usually too cold to be outside or too hot, and if you live north your definitely getting some pretty snow. Southern Texas on the other hand, like where I live, will be lucky to get any snow at all. Who doesn’t love warm weather though. In Texas, there are all sorts of beaches and lakes that will make you glad it’s 100 degrees, and to be fair it sounds bad but you get used to it.

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

The Culture

So here in Texas we take a lot of influence from our Hispanic residents. Latin holidays like Cinco de mayo get a lot of attention. Also, Mexican food is everywhere, and trust me you’ll love it. Texas is almost famous for its Tex-Mex appetite. Obviously, when it comes to population the Hispanic community in Texas is very large, but like many states, Texas is very diverse it just depends on where in Texas you live. Places like Houston have a lot of African Americans while San Antonio has a majority white population. Texas people don’t really act southern not like people from Alabama or Louisiana. Most people here act like how a person from northern states would. We do love our sweet tea and trucks though.


Texas is in no way a boring place to live. For young people looking to have some fun Austin Texas (our capitol) Is the live music capital of the world. Austin city limits and lalapalooza are just a few music festivals held in Austin. Not to mention the Texas outdoor lifestyle is insane. From rodeos, hunting, and even camping, there’s so much to do every weekend. Texans are always outside doing stuff. College kids will throw lake parties and grown folks will go hiking. Plus if you’re looking for a beach day you can go to corpus Christi, south padre island, or even Galveston. Of course, there are also some great malls, nightclubs, and other indoor activities for indoor people, But if your an outdoor person you’ll love Texas.

The people

When I moved here from Michigan it’s easy to notice a difference in the kindness of people. Texas people are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. You’ll find that you’ll even develop relationships with your neighbors because almost everyone in Texas is trying to meet new friends no matter how long they’ve lived here that’s just how Texans are. We may not have southern accents but we still have that southern hospitality culture.

The affordability

Texas is one of the fastest-growing states for a reason. It’s cheap! The cost of living in Texas is very low compared to other states and land here is very cheap. A $350,000 house would basically make you rich here. According to zillow.com, “The median home value in Texas is $211,199”.Not to mention things like gas and other necessities are cheap too. The minimum wage in Texas is 7.25 which should tell you all you need to know about the Texas economy.

Dallas, Texas Photo by Erin Hervey on Unsplash

Job opportunity

Since the Land in Texas is soo cheap thousand of businesses open in texas. Dallas Texas for example is one of the biggest metroplexes in the world housing millions of good-paying jobs for citizens. My parents moved out here for Job opportunities and so have millions of other families.


Texas schools are some of the best schools in the world. Not only are our academics great but Texas sports like football dominate. If you’re trying to raise an athlete Texas is the place to go. Our Universities are also some o the best in the nation. Money.com states UT Austin is ranked number 28 in the nation while being a public university.

So with all that being said, it’s easy to see why Austin is the Fastest growing city In the United States According to https://austin.curbed.com/. Texas is typically overlooked but really is one of the best states to live in. While it’s not perfect there is no question it is one of the best experiences you will get for its price. I’m sure once you come here you won’t want to leave.



