JorrParivar NFT

JorrDaar Upgrade of JorrParivar

Here’s what JorrDaar inside JorrParivar!



We conducted a Webinar on May 12th, 2022, to discuss the JorrDaar Upgrade of JorrParivar, followed by a QnA session.

And in this article, I will be sharing all the major points of the JorrDaar Upgrade.

If you are interested in watching the whole webinar video of 2 hours then here it is for you:

If you are a reader, then here’s the text summary of the entire webinar.

We still recommend watching the whole video for the Q/A session.

1. Launch of JorrParivar Pvt LTD.

I have been receiving many business consulting requests, and if ever I take in any client request, whatever happens, will be under the name of JorrParivar Pvt LTD.

With the growth of JorrParivar, there indeed has been an increase in the workload.

And hence we have decided that whenever we hire for Digital Pratik Gang or any other work I might have, we will consider our hodlers first.

Profits will then be shared among the hodlers.

Let’s assume if June 2022 to May 2023, JorrParivar, as a company, has made a profit of 3Cr.

During Diwali 2023, we will distribute 10% of the income to our hodlers.

The OG hodlers or JorrParivar are the core of the community and they are definitely gonna get benefits in various ways.

My legal team is already working on the company formation.

2. Book Teaser Launch

I have been writing a book about Practical Lessons. And for the same, I have been dropping some hints on my Social Media Channels.

So if you have ever seen me writing 24x7x365 #EDPL, then yes, that’s about the book. 24x7x365 #EDPL is the TITLE of the book & we have already sent the 22 chapters from that book for printing!

10 copies will be printed, which will be like a teaser to the original book.

These printed copies won’t be for sale.

Instead, I will take those copies with me wherever I go.

The original JorrBook will have 365 Unique Practical Lessons.

3. JorrFilms Episode 04 will be shot at A-Fest (Jordan)

On April 30th, 2022, Vishen DMed me and thanked me for reserving mindvalley.eth and vishenlakhiani.eth.

On May 1st, we sat on a call, and Vishen asked me to come to Jordan for the A-Fest event.

It was a win-win situation because I had those .eth domains, and now I could transfer him those at A-Fest and document that moment!

A-Fest is basically an event designed by Vishen Lakhiani. I have been invited to the A-Fest event, held in May for 6 days i.e. May 17th to May 23rd.

Well, the event is for 4 days, but the next 2 days are an ‘invite-only’ gathering with Vishen and his close group of people, called an Authors Trip.

As you all know, I always tend to document, so 4 of my gangster will be joining me at the event!

So JorrFilms Episode 04 will be another experience altogether!

Now, we will have a print copy of the ‘Teaser of JorrBook’ before May 17th because I will be meeting a lot of people during the A-Fest event & I wish to make sure JorrParivar is in everyone's mind :)

We have already invested a lot with the camera, mics, etc., so we document the best experience we could at Jordan.

Just think when I will meet and network with so many people, opportunities are going to UNLOCK for JorrParivar & the community!

4. “JorrDaar IRL” by JorrParivar in June

If you remember, we planned to take a snapshot of everyone holding 1 ETH and more value of JorrParivar.

Now indeed, many of you had a question on WHY, WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN, WHAT ARE WE GONA GET.

So get set and ready to meet your fellow Parivar members ;).

JorrDaar IRL Meet is happening!!!

In June, all the JorrParivar holders holding JP tokens as of April 30th, 2022 (the list is already snapshotted) will be invited to this IRL event at a 5-star hotel.

The location will be either Mumbai or Goa (to be decided). Well, we 1st had plans to invite only those hodlers who will hold JP tokens which will be 1ETH or more in value, but then Digital Pratik is someone who works and cares for his Parivar members.

Hence everyone now is invited who has held JP tokens as of April 30th, 2022. All the updates about the IRL event will be shared soon on JorrParivar’s Discord (

5. JorrParivar Smart Contract Upgrade.

We plan to include lots of things in our smart contract and then deploy it on May 22nd, 2022.

But due to logical & technical issues and errors, there will be a delay.

And hence we now have planned to deploy this smart contract during the JorrDaar IRL event, and all the holders who held JP of value 1 ETH or more as of April 30th, 2022, 9 PM IST will be receiving something super awesome in their wallets during the event!

6. Perks 2.0

This amazing JorrParivar comic art will be the front view page/Landing page of perks 2.0.

Perks 2.0 will be more comical, mobile-friendly and user-friendly.

And perks 2.0 will be launched during the JorrDaar IRL event.

7. JorrSelfie NFT Minter, a new Web 3.0 App.

I had posted this video as one of my DPD vlogs.

And when one of my Web 3.0 developers saw that video, he mentioned that he could make such kind of App.

And I was happy and asked him to go ahead and do whatever the best he could.

We already have the name and 1st prototype.

The App instantly mints a photo like an ERC 721 smart contract NFT.

And when I am in Jordan, documenting the moment of me transferring the .eth domain to Vishen Lakhiani, I will be taking a selfie and minting it as an NFT, adding some amazing utilities to it.

Let’s get to point one; let’s say, someday this Web 3 app is sold, the profits will be distributed among the hodlers.

8. Three new IPs are coming soon.

We are coming up with 3 new IPs.

We are still figuring out the design and artwork.

I did ask my designer, but they mentioned that no, Pratik Sir, just like the current characters, we need your touch 1st, and then we can design and animate them further.

Since I am busy with many other things, it’s getting delayed.

My target is to announce the 3 new IPS during the IRL event.

9. JorrParivar Ecommerce

We will be launching products soon, and we will be partnering with Athflex, where JorrParivar products will be published.

And I have already ordered T-Shirts of 24x7x365 EDPL which will be kind of in a 3D form, which I will be wearing during A-Fest and while I am travelling.

10. JPQnA Zoom Calls

All the weekly (for silver token hodlers), monthly (for bronze token hodlers), and 1:1 (for gold token hodlers) calls will stay the same, but they will reopen again in June. Details will be shared soon on JorrParivar Discord.

That was all about the JorrDaar Upgrade of JorrParivar. I am so happy about all the executions that are happening.

We are one of India’s finest and most dedicated NFT projects that are doing exceptional for the community.

I am a businessman building a business ecosystem where EVERYONE who has invested can benefit!

Towards 2032 & more, forever, together!

Do share your thoughts about this JorrDaar Upgrade! See you next time, Parivar! Until then…

