What to do if you are not coming to JDE!

If you were holding 1 ETH worth of JorrParivar before 30th April & if you are not coming, what will you miss & how can you still benefit? (info coming soon)

3 min readJun 4, 2022


I can’t make it to the JDE; what should I do?

I have exams during that day what should I do?

To start with, calm yourself and say that it’s okay if you can’t make it.

But trust me, especially for those who have even a 1% chance of attending the event!

Do try your best.

Now, for everyone who bought 1 ETH or more value of JorrParivar token during the April 30th, 2022, snapshot, and if you cannot come to the JorrDarr Event, you might miss out on many things, but at the same time, there are
2 things you can do:

1. List or sell your ticket/s.

2. You can give away the tickets to your friends or anyone as a gesture of gratitude. You can even ask your family members to attend the event on your behalf.

There are many possibilities.

You need to be mindful and get benefits out of this event accordingly.

Also, remember the number of tickets each holder will get is not yet revealed.

At this moment, we can’t reveal the exact airdropping criteria because we don’t want to create any biased scenarios.

We would reveal this in a PRACTICAL WEBINAR after 4th June (snapshot date).

So please be patient with us and wait until the final reveal!

Now, as you know, if your wallet value was equal to or more than 1 ETH or more worth of JorrParivar, you will get the hotel stay for FREE.

Maybe if anyone needs hotel stay help, you could either sell it to them or giveaway it to someone who wishes to remain at Club O7!

These are just a few 1–2 things revealed for the holders who bought 1 ETH or more value of the JorrParivar token.

We have many more surprises coming up, which might be very beneficial even if you might not be coming to the JorrDaar Event.

We have ensured it’s a win-win situation for all of you here.

All holders who have JorrParivar valued below 1 ETH (as of April 30th, 2022) or bought the JorrParivar token after April 30th.

If you are not coming to the JorrDaar Event, you can list/sell the event ticket to anyone, or maybe you can call someone on your behalf.

You might miss on the other surprises but at least you can benefit from the ticket.

So what are you waiting for people??

Buy your token NOW!!

