Critical Thinking (II): On Education, Politics, and Good Governance

Jose A. Vidal
Published in
3 min readFeb 29, 2024

Almost a year ago, I started a series of publications on critical thinking on this page. In that first publication, Pedro Novás was the protagonist, but this second installment I will do alone, taking as reference some words from Professor José Antonio Marina.

We live in a society that has no concern for education, with the corresponding risk of living in times of great historical significance, where the Universal Law of Learning reigns. We are in a moment of educational urgency; we need to contemplate the intersection between the world of letters, sciences, humanism, etc.

At an individual and collective level, there are two options: we can either evolve and constantly improve while adapting to technological advances that create an increasingly changing social environment, or we can simply be left out. The digital version of processes and operations, especially those subject to mechanical repetition, are being replaced in various industries by intelligent operating systems with a level of innovation that, honestly, we don’t know where its limit lies.

Critical thinking is key, now more than ever.

The political and economic world also changes radically, not just every four years, but year by year. As Professor Jose Antonio Marina points out, we all live in the polis, we are all part of the problem and the solution when it comes to good governance. We are all responsible.

The profession of a politician should be the noblest, most transcendent, exemplary profession which would require a more comprehensive and agile vision and intelligence of reality to understand where the hotspots of management are.

In the polis, both the members dedicated to government and the rest of society — mistakenly referred to as civilian — should avoid the conflict, where the aim is to eliminate the adversary and opposition, to focus on the problem format, where even with ideological differences, the objective is to solve the mentioned problem.

The problem has a solution; conflict implies victory or defeat.

We have confused the original function of government: to achieve public happiness, with the struggle for the taking and exercise of power. Unfortunately, this happens at all levels of our society, both in the public and private sectors.

By the way: Patreon is an online platform where you can support researchers like Jaime Gómez-Obregón in his aim to implement good governance in matters related with public tendering & contracting.

And finally, in a few days, both Jose Luis Campos and Carmen Zárate will make a public movement in Spain to demand good governance in healthcare management, between the public and private sectors, so:


ES version


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Jose A. Vidal