Spain: Download immediately RADAR COVID19.

Jose A. Vidal
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2020

In February 2014 I wrote a post in this blog (Spanish version) about Luis Garicano´s TV appearance, before taking part in political roles.

In that post and in that TV appearance, Garicano explained Spanish society, from a social, educational, economical and structural point of view. We can summarize all these topics in two ideas:

- Talking about economical topics, we needed in an urgent way, excellent level of elites at public and private level to recover positive economic numbers.

- Spain as a country, needed to decide whether to be a Danish version in South Europe or to represent Venezuela version in Europe.

Having revised all great mistakes at global level, concerning prevention and control of the pandemic in the first wave, an scenario which was revised in April 2020 and now after different alerts sent by experts about preparing this hard Autumn I see my country, Spain, leading the worst stats in managing COVID19 comparing with our closed European countries, and including at global level.

This picture is due to different reasons:

- No control to leave one of the biggest lockdowns in developed countries.

- Not only one strategy al national level: 17 different strategies with the same enemy.

- 17 different IT healthcare systems, one per Spanish region.

- A poor prevention and Public Healthcare structure.

- As a result, a poor system to follow contacts of infected people.

- Lack of control and test in country borders.

- Lack of controls about social environments at night.

- Lack of social discipline and education.

- Extreme roles at political level with high tension but without solutions.

- Lack of scientific Committee to support national government with the aim of creating national dynamic and flexible guidelines, according to pandemic stats.

- These are some of the reasons.

And right now- as Garicano said- this is the moment for this country, society, normal people, to try and help solve this critical situation.

Less clapping and stupid reactions from balconies, and let´s help our health workers who, no doubt, support our healthcare system.

Radar COVID19.

And how can we help? Of course, helping to follow contacts of infected people by ourselves, using our cell phones in Spain, downloading Radar Covid19 App.

iOS version (link)

Android version (link)

What is RADAR COVID19 in Spain? Julio Cesar Fernández explains it very well here. In this blog, we also made a reference to this historical alliance between Apple and Google to develop this IT solution, which then each country adopts at national level.

The first idea about this IT solution is to link effective results with its use. Several studies make references to what is the minimum percentage of population (60%) which need these IT vaccines so that they are useful. In Spain, Economy Ministry Sources stats a few days ago, said that just 25% of use in population will be enough for this App to be effective. Other studies indicated that even with less percentage of users.

This App is not useful in: geolocation, to register personal details, to identify somebody, to send information out of the device, but of course it´s very useful to notify the contact with a positive case in COVID19.

Screen by Radar COVID19.

At the beginning of this October 2020, talking about last stats in downloads, just 5 million of Spanish people have this App on their mobile phones, meanwhile 47 million people are living in this country, apart from having a lot of people with more than one device.

Therefore, this situation is not normal with a Spanish society which is not able to help in controlling this world pandemic, a total lack of social compromise, when in the opposite side Spanish people are able to download stupid social Apps without reading small letter. Nowadays RADAR COVID19 follows less than the 1% of positive cases in Spain.

This is shameful. Please, Spain download immediately RADAR COVID19.

We must collaborate and help as soon as possible, each of us, before having a worst scenario related with this global pandemic effects, at social and economic level, as Garicano said to us in 2014.

RADAR COVID19 should be mandatory, Police must punish population in case of not downloading or connecting this App. It´s the best way to help public healthcare, primary care, urgencies specialists, etc. This is an epidemical crisis which requires all our implication at individual and social level. Less politician fights and more technological use of RADAR COVID19.

We have just two options: To collaborate as a society, or we are going to find social and economic effects which are going to be irreparable.

ES version



Jose A. Vidal