Tetraneuron´s vision

Jose A. Vidal
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2022

A couple of months ago we dedicated a post to LANZADERA´s health´s hub paying special attention to those conversations which are involved in Corporate & StartUp working together on same ecosystems.

Corporate culture innovation is not easy, this key paragraph from Enrique Dans´ publication explains everything.

Innovation departments vs. innovation culture. Individuals or teams set up to identify opportunities to do new things in companies tend, due to the process of isomorphism, to initiate processes focused almost exclusively on incrementally improving efficiency rather than on generating something genuinely disruptive.”

It´s so healthy to promote conversations with questions which are difficult to answer, and mistaken thesis which are also difficult to follow, those obtaining lessons due to this initial mistake, show a new route to continue.

This is one of the reasons why- for years- I have been investing part of my time in long term conversations, those which propose actually, status quo changes in: Life Sciences & Healthcare, Pharma, Biotech, SportsTech, etc.

A few weeks ago, I joined BioTech Expert Network with the aim of collaborating, revising value deck from new R+D projects focused on Biotechnology and health, those projects which can take part in venture and investment rounds in the Capital Cell platform.

It´s so important to be connected to scenarios far away from comfort environments. And that was the main idea from our dear and passed away friend Vicente Martínez, who apart from other projects, had a special hope and passion for Tetraneuron´s vision.

Mari- Carmen Álvarez Abril. Tetraneuron Director.

Nowadays, close to 800.000 people are affected by Alzheimer just in Spain. Spanish physicians usually identify about 40.000 new cases per year. But apart from that, it´s estimated that more than 80% of cases in early stages are not identified.

Alzheimer is a complex disease, because it´s based on multiple processes, some of them unknown, but which act in a synergic way. Probably, this lack of unique mechanism is the real cause why although hundreds of millions invested by pharmaceutical industry, we don´t have an effective treatment.

Of course, it doesn´t seem the best scenario, but this difficulty is not an excuse to help 50 millions of patients affected by this disease.

This is Tetraneuron´s vision, and spin-off from Cajal Institute which has been working on this therapeutic target for more than 10 years. As a result of this work, this Company is developing a multifactor genetic therapy able to improve multiple alterations linked to this disease.

Tetraneuron´ storytelling starts discovering how a modification at chemical level (protein E2F4) can be responsible for several neuronal alterations similar to Alzheimer. From that discovery, this scientific team was focused on how to replace that non-functional modified protein with a protein capable of recovering all those lost functions. After showing that the expression in neurons of a functional variant of E2F4 recovered many of these alterations, the next step was to see how to get neurons to produce that functional version of E2F4, and hence, thanks to advances in the production of viral vectors, your gene therapy is close to being a reality.

Nowadays, this Company is finishing regulatory preclinical studies and it´s estimated that it will start in 2024, the first clinical trials for Alzheimer´s genetic therapy in Europe.

Tetraneuron shows a radical new focus which can have a great impact not only in Alzheimer disease, but also in other diseases where these same neurodegenerative processes are identified, these are Parkinson and glaucoma cases.

In addition to all these scientific challenges to be resolved, a new complexity needs to be added to all these advanced therapies developing because it is also important to find enough investment to take advantages in key clinical knowledge.

ES version


Medical Affair International Master. Program which is part of Educational offer by Biotech and Pharma School lead by Professor Cesar Nombela. Information.

Advanced Management Program. IE Business School. Educational executive programs. Information.


(ES) Tetraneuron en El Mundo: “Hay que hacer una parada en boxes para ganar la carrera de la salud cerebral”. Leer la noticia completa.

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Jose A. Vidal