Why not reinvent everything! That´s how Naturemimetic was born.

Jose A. Vidal
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021

Imagine carrying out your own project at the age of 62. It shouldn´t be something new, in fact retirement could be linked with cognitive impairment, but apart from being a fantastic mental health exercise, it´s also common sense. Senior talents without misunderstanding at ambition level, with fresh & healthy environment, they are fantastic wells of wisdom. Suitable age doesn´t exist, just habit, people, ideas, conversations exist and are interesting, and I pay a lot of attention to these senior talent examples, they must be a reference to young people.

During last 36 months, there are two people who are an example in this sense, Jesús Macarrón and Vicente Martínez. In addition, Vicente (1959) is launching, his own project right now.

That´s the reason why I leave this humble publication to Vicente and his project, and I will just add usual pills of content at the end.

Why not reinvent everything! That´s how Naturemimetic was born.

Source: Naturemimetix.

Now that we are in confidence- thank you very much, Jose- please, allow me to carry out this special narrative.

Two friends were debating with passion:

“Everything has been invented”- said the first one.

- “In this case, we should reinvent everything”- replied the second one.

Both on them were right: the first one talked about Nature: “ The biggest and best creation that we know. Perfect since the beginning- going back thousands of years ago”. But the second one wondered- “hasn´t Nature evolved and isn´t it mutating constantly?” “Pay attention”, he said, “because this perfection wouldn´t be possible without this capacity of adaptation and change… “ Apart from the situation or risk, Nature always has an answer.

The first one felt harassed and wanted to take a step back in this point: “In fact, there isn´t a total perfection, because in our environment there are, apart from natural chaos and such dangerous human behaviour, pathogens and diseases which Humans and Science have had to battle.”

“For this reason, it´s not imperfection”, the second one insisted: Nature is so exact and precise and there isn´t a bad episode without a solution. If Chemistry support us to resolve environmental and health problems, it wasn´t because Nature didn´t have an answer, the reason was Humans, and their limits to see, how to get and when to apply.

Anyway, this small storytelling is just to focus the conversation on what we call naturemimetic. We have a vision according to this scenario: we keep to the idea that if we see Nature and investigation to develop evolution and apply knowledge, ingenuity, and all human capabilities, we can develop sustain solutions with a great value. We would call these product epimimetics, because these go beyond Nature and they absorb the best of two worlds that need and complement each other.

Naturemimetic would be the science responsible of studying and joining. It is not a question of imitating Nature (biomimicry), the aim is to support Nature and then develop eco- efficient solutions, eco- designed, sustained and of course efficient.

As an example, our Company, Naturemimetix, is launching the first epimimetic: a product to attack in an efficient way (from first administrations) uncomfortable symptomatology of urinary tract.

In our naturemimetic pipeline there are pharmacologic products but we are also working on biomaterial projects, and in a few months, we will be openining new development areas like precision biomedicine o functional foods.

At this point, we are part of Asebio, and we hope to share our vision, summarized in this Epimimetic Culture Manifest. Please, feel free to read and share.

Naturemimetix: Our vision, our manifesto.

ES version


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Jose A. Vidal