Hackmiami Con #6 Closing Thoughts and Presentation Bits

Jose E Hernandez
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2018

Yesterday in my drive home after the close of the HackMiami 6th conference I was overtaken with a feeling of humbleness. Humble because despite of how small our local security community is there is an over abundance of talent, love and appreciation for one another. I reminiscence of the days where a handful of us came together in Planet Linux Cafe (RIP) and just shared the latest thing we were working on. Much of that spirit still has carried on almost 7th years later and not an ounce of curiosity and the hacker spirit has been lost.

Below is a short moment I was able to capture that spirit with some of our young hackers assembling a ethereum miner for their first time.

Did I mention the venue was not too shabby either?

For those of you whom are interested here are the slides for “Building your own ethereum miner” workshop:


As well as “Building a SOC” deck:


Thank you @hackmiami for maintaining the Planet Linux Cafe spirit alive, see you next year!



Jose E Hernandez

🛡️ Threat Researcher @Lacework ❤️ Scuba Diving 🔧 Maintainer of #AtomicRedTeam & #LOLBAS project. 😎 Ex @splunk @fastly @oracle @akamai.