Pilotfish manifesto

We have strong opinions. Those opinions guide our intention for what Pilotfish is.

Joseph Pack
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2018


I think it’s fair to say that David, Sam and I are pretty damn outspoken. It’s no secret that we fucking hate (with little exception) life coaching. Anyone can call themselves a life coach, you can do so without accreditation, and it’s lucrative. Pile all of that together and you get an industry riddled with chancers and cancerous get rich quick schemes. I think of this manifesto as a fat middle finger up to that.

Politely of course

DHH, Basecamp co-founder, said that it’s important to challenge the “best-practice” of any given task, and to start from first principles in order to write your own way of doing things. In his case, running a $168million a year SaaS business, with no managers, no office, no meetings, no VC money.

The manifesto states our promise to challenge the current state of life coaching and mental health, to go back to first principles (where possible) and deliver an ethical, regulated offering, without the temptation to put our profit margin above the wellbeing of our customers.

Pilotfish manifesto:

Pilotfish: it’s fucking mental.”

One billion:
There will be one Billion remote workers by 2035. They have mental health too, and they need to be supported.

While everyone else is creating “online courses” and charging $1000’s for their content, we’ll give it ALL away for free.

Remote workers:
Pilotfish is a company built by nomads & remote workers. We get you!

Not for everyone:
We’re built for nomads & remote workers. Companies that do everything, excel at nothing.

All of our education is backed by real science and validated by professional psychotherapists & psychiatrists.

Are they experienced?:
David has been improving thousands of his clients mental health since before Joe and Sam were born. We’ve got big game experience and we specialise in your world.

Before becoming a professional psychotherapist, David (co-founder & product) ran a 100+ person company. He’s kind of a badass. Sam’s (co-founder & ops) agency Kickpush makes VR shit for the Economist, WeWork, Mumsnet. Joe built an agency that works with adidas, The North Face, Levi’s, and founded a company that helped the NHS, British Heart Foundation and Imperial College London recruit clinical trial patients.

No fluff. Just enough! Don’t increase beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.

The NHS website is full of superfluous fluff. We focus on the essential through short, snappy information. We do short info well, instead of long info poorly.

Zero awards
Our time is committed to making your life better. Not to prioritise extra-curricular, ego inflating award parties.

Keeping it real:
At Pilotfish, we keep it real. No bullshit, no used cars, no snake oil, no miracle cures or fad diets. Just an honest approach to make your a life a little bit better.

No false promises:
We help you to survive. We don’t promise to make you successful (you can do that yourself).

Guru’s promise the facade of a perfect life and a plethora of riches. We don’t give you ANY false promises. We believe in genuine, thoughtful and honest therapy. You don’t need more anxiety from false promises.

My friend is a life coach:
Then let him help you.

The money you save by using your friend is nothing compared to the cost in time and emotional turmoil required to undo his mistakes.

Have patience. Doing this right could positively impact the rest of your life. Rushing it just prolongs the chance of making an improvement.



Joseph Pack

CMO at CreditStretcher.com. All advice is autobiographical (use it at your peril)