Star Wars Rogue One — you have to see these screenshots

Josh Kerr
Black Cat
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2016

If you haven’t seen the teaser trailer for the new Star Wars movie Rogue One you need to stop what you are doing and go watch it:

The story takes place before Star Wars IV A New Hope and follows the adventure of the rebels who steal the Death Star plans. It is a treat learn more about this part of the story, since it features so prominently in A New Hope. I love what Disney is doing with these movies off the grid movies. With this new trailer we finally get a sense for what these movies will look like. Included below are some interesting screen grabs from the teaser and upon closer look you can get a sense for what goodies are in store for us when the movie arrives this December.

The trailer captured the look of the original Star Wars. Check out the droid in the background.

The trailer does a good job of showing a hint of the new movie without giving away any of the plot. There is also a feeling of nostalgia with uniforms, storm troopers, the Death Star, all shot in a way that feels familiar and true to the original.

Is that a Samurai warrior standing next to Storm Troopers? Notice the crashed X-wing in the background.

There appears to be a few new characters that look like they could be Jedi. The guy in the screenshot above uses a stick and walks with robes that look like something a Samurai would wear. Are there Jedi alive at this point? Didn’t they all go into hiding after Anakin turned to the dark side?

I didn’t see any light sabers which would be a first for a Star Wars movie. The light saber is so iconic, it would be disappointing to see this movie and not get to see a light saber duel.

Shuttle craft explodes. Check out those Palm Trees, looks like Hawaii.

One of the scenes takes place on a beach with palm trees. It looks like Hawaii with AT AT walkers shooting a bunch of folks on a beach.

Scary looks AT AT walkers taking aim. Notice the cool radar tower on the right.
Don’t shoot me!

In a Galaxy far far away — near Honolulu Hawaii.. Lol. Palm trees aside the scene does look really cool.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this scene in every Star Wars movie.

In one of the scenes Storm Troopers patrol a street in a manner that looks like a scene I’ve seen in every Star Wars movie. “Just a bunch of Storm Troopers walking down the street, nothing to see here.” It is so nostalgic and familiar that the directors probably took the shot from the original Star Wars to save time.

Female in the lead role. What is with that green neon map in the background? Why is the room so dark?

I love that the Disney Star Wars movies have women in the lead roles. It is about time we see strong women leading tent pole blockbuster science fiction and fantasy movies. Hopefully they are getting paid on par with what men in those roles are getting paid.

I can’t wait to see this movie. For a long time I wished for smaller scale movies that took place in the Star Wars universe. A bank heist, a murder mystery, simple stories but with the backdrop of a Star Destroyer or Cloud City. Rogue One is going to be the first of many Star Wars movies from Disney and from what I’ve seen so far I hope they keep up the good work. December can’t come soon enough.



Josh Kerr
Black Cat

Entrepreneur in Residence at Capital Factory, Founding Venture Partner at NextGen, Techstars Mentor, investor, startup founder with exits. 👓 🌿 💭