Introducing Jot — Notes and Todos.

Introducing Jot — Notes and todos

Matt Brown
Jot Blog
2 min readMar 15, 2018


We’re super excited to share our new app, Jot. It’s the no-fuss way to take notes on your iPhone and it’s available today in the App Store — go check it out.

Find out more at — share it with your friends!

Why Jot?

Even with all the note taking tools available today, nothing comes close to the immediacy and simplicity of pen and sheet of paper. Most apps are filled with way too many options, excessive categorization, and fussy interfaces that slow everything down.

These little distractions add up — if you’re anything like me, they’ll stop you from getting down your thoughts at all.

Good ideas go lost.

Jot fixes all this. It’s a simple, fast and lightweight way to get things out of your head, and into your phone. Here’s what makes Jot special, a notes app we think you’ll actually enjoy using:

  1. Quick capture
    Jot prioritizes speed of capture above all else —that’s why there’s a big purple create button available right under your thumb.
  2. Keep track of things
    The difference between a note, a todo, and a reminder is small and Jot can handle all of these things —but without the complicated bullshit.
  3. ‘Notebox’ zero
    Jot treats the feed of notes like an inbox. Simple swipes are all you need to archive, pin or share notes. Keep your mind clear.
  4. Search for recall
    No fussy tags, categories or groupings. Full-text search lets you find old notes super quick.

For ‘Type B’ note takers

You’ll love Jot if you’re like me — you don’t want to sit around and organize things, but you do need to remember stuff. Our app like a no-frills Moleskin, a simple and straightforward place to scratch things down.

If that sounds like what you’ve been looking for, give Jot a try.


Jot is available exclusively on iPhone for $1.99 in all major languages. Pricing will go up to $2.99 next week. You’ll need iOS 11 to install it, so now is the time to upgrade :)

Our Team

Jot was built by Joel Kraut and designed by Matt Brown. We liked working together on this to craft something special, an app we both found worth using everyday. We hope you like it too.

More at



Matt Brown
Jot Blog

Design consultant. Designed and co-founded Darkroom for iOS. Also: Design at Pinterest, Facebook, and Things That Are Brown. He's @brownthings everywhere.