COVID-19 pandemic hits the restaurant industry the hardest

Marye Stuart Greer
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020

The restaurant industry has taken extreme measures to stay afloat amid the devastating COVID-19 pandemic

By Marye Stuart Greer

The U.S.economy has plummeted as more than 3 million people filed unemployment claims in March alone. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, and the economy continues to fall, the restaurant industry has cried out for help.

The restaurant industry employs more than 15 million Americans.Whether it be running a huge subsidary restaurant chain, or washing dishes in the back of a local hotspot, the industry is having to lay off workers in order to cope with the $25 billion loss in sales.

Although takeout, delivery, and drivethru might put a bandaid on the issue, most restaurants and bars will be unable to recover without government help. Since there is no proof that COVID-19 can spread through food, restaurant workers can be considered essential workers during the shelter in place ordinance. However, restaurants lack the funds to keep on a full staff of employees without their dining room open.

President Donald Trump has stated his commitment to helping small businesses affected by the Coronavirus. He has authorized the application process for loans up to $2 million in assistance. But will President Trump’s efforts to keep the industry afloat work? Some say the program is “a failure to launch.” Still, President Trump has called on congress to pass the deductibility by business on the restaurant and entertainment industries bill, via tweet, in an attempt to save them from this economic devastation.

Since the shelter in place oriedence was passed, Americans are yearning for certain luxuries such as dining in a restaurant. In order to help your favorites survive, be sure to be using their takeout or curbside options. Every American should be doing their part to flatten the curve. Washing hands and social distancing are critical, but supporting local businesses and other sectors of the economy is important to ensure the damage does not go beyond repair.

